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قديم 11 - 04 - 2011, 12:40
الصورة الرمزية أياد
أياد غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

أياد is on a distinguished road
افتراضي تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011) 2011 كامل

تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011) 2011 كامل

BitDefender AIO
Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011) BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011)

تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011)

BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011) | 3.16 GB In this release are assembling the official builds of all the latest product safety BitDefender 2011 - Internet Security, Total Security and Antivirus Pro. There are versions for x86, and x64 architectures, with English and Russian language packages. BitDefender Internet Security 2011 - Complete protection against Internet threats: anti-virus and anti-spyware, firewall, protection of personal data and parental controls. BitDefender Internet Security makes use of the Internet in a safe, without slowing down your computer. Program blocks viruses, hackers and spam, providing parental control and network security firewall. BitDefender Internet Security 2011 protects against viruses and other malicious programs with leading antivirus technology scans all web traffic, email and instant messaging traffic in real time, blocks spyware that track your Internet activities. BitDefender Internet Security 2011 provides excellent detection of new threats, two different proactive technologies. BitDefender Total Security 2011 - Comprehensive protection against viruses, spyware, hacker attacks and other electronic threats, which can lead to identity theft, data loss and reduce system performance. BitDefender Total Security ranks first among its competitors thanks to effective protection from spam and viruses, secure firewall and the availability of tools to optimize and backup systems in one package. Taking into account the intuitive interface for novice users and a minimum load on system resources, BitDefender can be considered one of the best products in security at the moment. There are three modes: basic, standard and enhanced. As the complexity of the functions in them increases. In each mode (at any time it can change) is tuned in "home" window, in which some features are deleted as unnecessary in the background, while others are activated. Antivirus and fairvol as standard security tools provide protection against most threats, but multifunctional systems capable of more. The main purpose of BitDefender Total Security 2011 - to guarantee the security of personal data to detect system vulnerabilities and maintain control over children. In Advanced mode interface clearly lists a number of tools available. Certain categories of reserved antivirus, antispam and fairvol. Setting up their parameters is carried out through the slide buttons and tabs. The effectiveness of antivirus system for detection and neutralization of threats can not be compared, and the configuration fairvol requires no special effort with intuitive interface. In addition, the utility is a function of parental control over Internet access and applications, as well as control over personal safety in the global network. Besides the basic functions, the monitor application monitors the system's vulnerability, namely, the presence of updates Microsoft Windows, performance of vital programs and Passwords Windows. If necessary add-missing or outdated, the utility notifies the user and wish to download and install them. Under the backup set schedule backup data to local disk or server space 2 GB. File Safe encrypts sensitive information and instant messaging. Above all, there are optimization tools like disk defragmenter, a master of clean and restore the registry, and disk cleanup. BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 - Professional anti-virus program with features designed for extra security on your computer. The program provides advanced proactive protection against viruses, spyware, phishing scams and identity theft, without slowing down your computer. The new version of antivirus BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 expanded the quick scan, access to training videos, the output of intelligent tooltips, creating shortcuts on the toolbar, warning about the potential
dangers of pages displayed in search results.

تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011)

good vote me thanks love.love.minh@gmail.com
تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011)


jpldg fvkhl[ BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86Lx64 (ENGLRUSL2011) 2011 ;hlg (engLrusL2011) lds bitdefender final pack


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11 - 04 - 2011, 20:16   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: حُسام المدينة ::..
الصورة الرمزية ســـجـــ الاهـات ـــيـــن

ســـجـــ الاهـات ـــيـــن is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: تحميل برنامج BitDefender AIO Pack Final x86/x64 (ENG/RUS/2011) 2011 كامل

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(eng/rus/2011), 2011, ميس, bitdefender, برنامج, final, pack, x86/x64, كامل

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