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قديم 07 - 03 - 2011, 16:01
mno_shosha غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
Smile حصريا برنامج اوتو كاد بأحدث اصداراته Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64

Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64

حصريا برنامج اوتو كاد بأحدث اصداراته Autodesk AutoCad

حصريا برنامج اوتو كاد بأحدث اصداراته Autodesk AutoCad
Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64 (ENG/RUS). Include Course,blocks,templates,3D models (2011) | 5.2 GB

AutoCAD boosts efficiency with customizable and extensible user interface enhancements that increase overall drafting productivity by decreasing the number of steps to reach a command. Newly designed, innovative features simplify working with layers and help make new users productive as quickly as possible. Easy-to-use navigation tools make finding your way around 3D models a snap. Move to new highs of productivity with AutoCAD software.

Make efficiency a daily part of the job with AutoCAD software. The drafting, detailing, and conceptual design leader is showing the way once again. Meticulously refined with the drafter in mind, AutoCAD propels day-to-day drafting forward with features that increase speed and accuracy while saving time. Annotation scaling and layer properties per viewport minimise workarounds, while text and table enhancements and multiple leaders help deliver an unmatched level of aesthetic precision and professionalism. Always innovative, the existing AutoCAD tools for conceptual design and visualisation work with a new toolset to deliver virtually instant productivity, making efficiency a daily part of the job.

Document. Create your designs more intuitively, more efficiently, and faster than ever before.
Communicate. Present and share your designs more seamlessly, more accurately, and more powerfully.
Explore. Now you can turn ideas, regardless of shape or size, into a 3D CAD model to help take your designs further.
Customize. Make AutoCAD software work for you in ways you never thought possible

حصريا برنامج اوتو كاد بأحدث اصداراته Autodesk AutoCad

L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***01 - Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64
L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***02 - Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64
L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***03 - Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64

pwvdh fvkhl[ h,j, ;h] fHp]e hw]hvhji Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86Lx64 autocad autodesk


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07 - 03 - 2011, 16:58   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

AL£Xander is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: حصريا برنامج اوتو كاد بأحدث اصداراته Autodesk AutoCad 2011 x86/x64

مشكووووووووووووووور على الطرح الرائــــــــــع والمميز

AL£Xander غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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2011, autocad, autodesk, اصداراته, اوتو, بأحدث, برنامج, حصريا, x86/x64, كاد

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