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قديم 02 - 12 - 2010, 14:31
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي A-PDF Office to PDFv 4.8.0 برنامج تحويل ملفات الاوفيس الي pdf

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A-PDF Office to PDFv 4.8.0

برنامج تحويل ملفات الاوفيس الي pdf

A-PDF Office PDFv 4.8.0 برنامج تحويل ملفات الاوفيس

A-PDF Office to PDF - an effective tool to convert ************************s Word, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets and images to PDF ************************s. When the conversion program is exactly preserves the original content, formatting, graphs, tables and schema ************************s. It is also possible to add a watermark, a variety of properties and page numbers. Key Features
- Convert Microsoft Office ************************s (.docx, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .rtf, .wri etc) to PDF files easily
- Convert One File: Quickly convert one office file to PDF via shortcut menu
- Convert a batch of Files: Support drag-and-drop feature to convert multiple Office files to PDF
- Add watermarks, properties, security and page number with one step
- The original texts, images, graphics, tables, layouts and formatting are exactly retained after convert Office ************************s to PDF files
- Separate graphics from tables and text after convert Office ************************s (Word, Excel, PPT, etc) to PDF files with Hot Directories Monitor
- Able to set up a monitored directory and save all MS Office files written to that directory to PDF
- Able to recode all of the conversion in log files
- Standalone, need no PDF Acrobat installed in advance
- Support Command line operation in Windows console utility
- Support over 100 languages

Support Various File Formats
MS Word File: .DOCX, .DOC, .DOT, .TXT, .RTF, .WRI
MS Powerpoint File: .PPTX, .PPT, .POT, .PPS
MS Excel File: .XLSX, .XLS, .XLT, .XLC, .XLA, .XLW, .XLM
MS Publisher File: .PUB
MS Infopath File: .XML, .XSN
MS Visio File: .VSD, .VDX
Image File: .TIF, .TIFF, .FAX, .G3N, .G3F, .XIF, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .JIF, .PCX,
.PIX, .PXM, .VBMP, .JP2, .J2K, .DCX, .CRW,.PSD, .IEV, .LYR

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A-PDF Office to PDFv 4>8>0 fvkhl[ jp,dg lgthj hgh,tds hgd pdf


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قديم 02 - 12 - 2010, 21:43   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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iam me is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: A-PDF Office to PDFv 4.8.0 برنامج تحويل ملفات الاوفيس الي pdf


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