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قديم 15 - 09 - 2010, 13:14
همسات الامل غير متصل

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Thumbs up برنامج FILEminimizer Office 6.0 لضغط ملفات برامج Office الى أقصى حد دون تغيير التنسيق

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FILEminimizer Office 6.0

لضغط ملفات برامج Office الى أقصى حد دون تغيير التنسيق


FILEminimizer Office - يمكن من ضغط عروض PowerPoint ، وثائق وورد وجداول بيانات
إكسل دون تغيير تنسيقات (formats) الملفات .
PPTminimizer الجديد - FILEminimizer Office - يقلل من حجم PowerPoint ، ملفات
وورد وإكسل بنسبة تصل إلى 98 ٪ باستخدام تقنية ضغط ذكية ، لضغط الصور والأشياء التي لا تتجزأ منها
(embedded) ، للحفاظ على صيغة وجودة الملف الأصلي لتكون الملفات أصغر بكثير ، أكثر أمنا ومثالية

FILEminimizer Suite compresses PowerPoint, Word, Excel and image files by up to 98% without zipping. The software sports an intuitive interface and lets you optimize the size of your Office files (97-2010) as well as your JPG, TIF, BMP, GIF, EMF and PNG image files without changing the native file format or quality. It integrates into Microsoft Office and into your email program (supports Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes clients) and can optimize your office and image attachments directly before sending. You can easily bypass email size limitations and won't clog up your recipient's inbox. It relieves Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino email servers.
» Office file compression by up to 98% - a 50MB ************************ is compressed to 1MB in size
» Compresses all new Office 2007 formats (PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007, Excel 2007)
» Compresses all Office formats (PowerPoint 97 to 2003, Word 97 to 2003, Excel 97 to 2003)
» Compresses pictures and embedded objects and shrinks the size of Office files
» Keeps the original file format - simply edit, view and change it without the need to unzip
» Compresses StarOffice and OpenOffice files provided they are saved in a Microsoft format
» Compact edition runs directly from CD or USB flash drive - no installation required
» Integrated search function finds all optimizable files on the PC
» "Drag & Drop" files directly into FILEminimizer to optimize several files at once (batch processing)
» Add-ins for Microsoft Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Windows Explorer
» Fully compatible with Windows Vista


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fvkhl[ FILEminimizer Office 6>0 gqy' lgthj fvhl[ hgn Hrwn p] ],k jyddv hgjksdr


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