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قديم 04 - 04 - 2010, 00:25
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج تشغيل الملتميديا Spider Player Pro 2.4

السلام عليكم

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برنامج تشغيل الملتميديا

Spider Player Pro 2.4


Spider Player Pro full version ultimate and skinnable audio player with full support for all major audio formats: MP3, AAC, WMA, OGG, FLAC and others. Its most interesting features include audio streaming, integration with Shoutcast and Icecast radio directories, lossless Internet radio recording, advanced CD Ripping and Converting capabilities, FreeDB integration, 32-sound processing for crystal-clear sound, customizable local and global hotkeys and crossfading support. Spider Player is small and blazingly fast, and uses very few system resources.
Batch convert any music files to MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, FLAC or WavPack
to listen on your iPod or any other MP3 player, mobile phone, game console or DVD/HD recorder.
Rip all CD tracks at once at full speed to any format.
Lossless compression modes are supported to preserve the original sound quality.
Use custom encoders and encoding presets (presets for most popular encoders are already included).
Carry and play your music and listen to Internet radio easily anywhere with the special version of Spider Player for U3 Smart drives which comes only with Spider Player PRO.

Spider Player 2.4 (April 3, 2010)

+ last.fm support (PRO feature)
+ SoundFont can now be changed by right-clicking its name in the main
window and choosing "Replace SoundFont..." from the context menu;
you can also assign a hotkey for this action in the options
+ "Clear playlist on exit" option
+ PRO version label is now displayed in the title of the main window
(registered users, default skin only)

- Unicode-related bugs in the Radio Directory and Web Search
- skin engine bug: region wasn't calculated for the main window


من هنا


من هنا


fvkhl[ jaydg hglgjld]dh Spider Player Pro 2>4


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معلومات Google [ فن التعامل مع جوجل و كل ما تود معرفته ] Spider Man قسم تطوير المواقع و المنتديات 17 29 - 06 - 2011 15:58
أضخم مكتبه برامج للجوال ... أبوالطيب برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 250 28 - 04 - 2011 02:43
اكبر مكتبة برامج القعقاع قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 49 29 - 03 - 2011 23:32
جميع برامج نوكيا {أكثر من 150 برنامج} نوكيا برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 208 31 - 01 - 2011 12:38
مجموعه من برامج الياهو يلي بستخدمها هاوي برامج قسم البرامج المشروحة 94 28 - 10 - 2010 05:20

الساعة الآن 17:48.

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