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قديم 01 - 04 - 2010, 20:07
karim4up غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

karim4up is on a distinguished road
افتراضي البرنامج الذى يتيح لك التسجيل من الالعابFraps 3.2Retail


اذا كنت تواجه مشكله فى جزء من لعبه فيمكنك تسجيلها وعرضها لاصدقاءك او فى المنتديات للحصول على حل , اويضا اذا

كنت تريد تذكر جزء معين من لعبه او كنت تحب حفظ و تسجيل الاجزاء الجيده من الالعاب وعرضها على اليوتيوب مثلا




معلومات من الشركه المنتجه عن البرنامج
Fraps - a program for counting the number of FPS in applications 

running in OpenGL and Direct3D. The utility is able to take 

screenshots and record video with the image on the screen. This 

is a universal application that can work with all games using 

DirectX technology or OpenGL. Manage the program without leaving 

the game, with the help of hot keys. Above all, in advance, make 

sure that the keyboard shortcuts Fraps does not coincide with the 

keys used in the game. With Fraps can capture the best moments 

not only in the form of single ***************s, but in motion with sound. 

Allows you to display statistics of the parameter ***************s per 

second, by writing to a file, or display the counter in one 

corner of the screen. Save individual ***************s by pressing a 


Fraps universal program for the operating system Windows, which 

can be used by any games that support the technology DirectX or 

OpenGL. You can see how many ***************s per second (FPS) gives your 

computer in a certain game. Indicator will be located (by 

default) in the upper left corner of the screen. Adjust the 

program and measure the rate of ***************s per second. between two 

points. Save the statistics to disk and then use their own 

purposes. Remove a screenshot by pressing just one button! No 

need to constantly roll up and save your pictures manually, as 

the pictures will be automatically named and saved.
رابط التحميل

hgfvkhl[ hg`n djdp g; hgjs[dg lk hghguhfFraps 3>2Retail


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03 - 04 - 2010, 22:02   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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الساعة الآن 20:14.

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