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قديم 01 - 04 - 2010, 16:57
karim4up غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

karim4up is on a distinguished road
افتراضي البرنامج القادر على تشغيل وتحويل جميع ملفات الميديا فيديوهات واصوات وصورQuickTime


QuickTime يعد من البرامج التى لاغنى عنها فى حاسب ايا من المحترفين فهو البرنامج الوحيد القدر على تشغيل جميع الملفات ايا كانت
والتحويل بينهم لجميع الصيغ ايضا بسرعه وكفائه عاليه جدا فهو يدعم اكثر من 200 صيغه مختلفه وهذه هى النسخه النهائيه والكامله من البرنامج بحجم 34.3 Mb فقط




المميزات جميعها كما اصدرتها الشركه المنتجه
  QuickTime is Apple's cutting-edge digital media software for both Mac  and Windows-based computers delivers unparalleled quality for creating,  playing and streaming audio and video content over the Internet.
  QuickTime: the digital media standard.Besides playing MPEG-4 and MP3  content, it supports timecode tracks as well as MIDI standards such as  the Roland Sound Canvas and GS format extensions. 
 It also supports key  standards for web streaming, including HTTP, RTP and RTSP. Plus, it  supports every major file format for images,
 including JPEG, BMP, PICT,  PNG and GIF. QuickTime also features built-in support for digital video,  including the DV camcorder formats, as well as support for AVI, AVR,  MPEG-1, H.263, and OpenDML.
  QuickTime has a legacy of supporting and developing the latest digital  media standards ensuring that you can create and play back the widest  range of standard formats in the industry with QuickTime.
  · MPEG-1
  · MPEG-2(1)
  · MPEG-4
  · H.264
  · 3GPP & 3GPP2
  · AAC
  · JPEG
  · And dozens more...
  Key Features:
  · Create H.264 video
  · Convert video for iPod
  · Record audio for podcasting or narration
  · Background Exporting
  · On screen playback control in full screen mode
  · Create surround sound audio
  · Save movies from the web*
  · Full screen playback
  · Create content for mobile phones
  · Create MPEG-4 files
  · Cut/copy/paste editing
  · Create slideshows
  · Convert media to dozens of formats
  · Create media skins
  · Watch streaming web videos in player or browser
  · View over 200 media file types
  · Automatic connection speed detection
  · Adjust video and audio settings
  · Play H.264 video
  · Surround Sound Audio Playback
  · Access to QuickTime content guide
  · Adjust movie playback speed


hgfvkhl[ hgrh]v ugn jaydg ,jp,dg [ldu lgthj hgld]dh td]d,ihj ,hw,hj ,w,vQuickTime


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03 - 04 - 2010, 21:27   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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