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قديم 15 - 08 - 2012, 02:09
الصورة الرمزية الجرئ2006
الجرئ2006 غير متصل
مراقب عام

الجرئ2006 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3.0 لمكافحة ملفات التجسس

برنامج Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3.0 جدار نارى للحمايه ضد الهكر وملفات التجسس

برنامج Lavasoft Personal Firewall برنامج جدار ناري حماية ضد الهكر وملفات التجسس والمتطلفين hackers, worms and Trojans

برنامج Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3.0 لمكافحة ملفات التجسس

برنامج حماية قوي جداً جدأً ودرع حصين لا يستطيع الهكر تجاوزة او اختراقة حيث يقوم بحمايتك ضد الـ hackers, keyloggers, Trojans بقوة رهيبة وغير طبيعية, يبقي جهازك فعلاً بعيد عن اعين الهكرز والمتطفلين وبرامج الهكرز وغيرها, ابقي خصوصيتك وتمتع بانترنت آمن, برنامج قوي ورائد في مجالة ومن شركة رائدة ومميزة وعلى مدينة البرامج فقط هذا البرنامج حملة وتمتع بكل الخواص الاضافية
والبرنامج متوافق مع Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista

Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3.0 provides the critical protection you need
to keep your PC safe from unauthorized access. It is the ultimate security shield against hackers, keyloggers, Trojans and other malicious attempts to access data on your PC, while remaining simple, and easy to use. Rest easy knowing your privacy is protected and your data is secured with a firewall that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic – cyber thieves are locked out and your personal information is locked in.
Safely surf the web with a solid security shield in place, actively guarding you against unsafe websites, drive-by-downloads, and other malicious attempts to infiltrate your PC.
Automated confi guration and easy-to-use controls mean you focus on your online work or play and let Lavasoft Personal Firewall keep you safe and
Know that your system is continuously protected from sophisticated malware threats. Attempted changes by targeted attacks will be blocked,
preventing external sources from deactivating your fi rewall.
Free, unlimited support from our technical and customer support experts at the Lavasoft Support Center.

Keep your personal information IN and intruders OUT.
  • Two-way firewall – controls inbound and outbound traffic, providing superior protection for your PC.
  • Host protection – proactively monitors and blocks attempts to compromise or steal data.
  • Leak prevention technology – blocks malicious programs from stealing and transmitting your personal information.
  • Self-protection – ensures firewall cannot be deactivated by targeted attacks.
  • Web control – increases online security with features such as unsafe website access restriction and anonymous surfing.
  • Attack detection – automatically blocks unauthorized intrusions and hijacking attempts.
  • Auto-learning mode – keeps track of your typical activities to reduce your need to manage alerts.
  • Entertainment Mode – background protection while you play games or watch movies.
  • Easy to use – designed for both home users and experts.

fvkhl[ Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3>0 gl;htpm lgthj hgj[ss


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الساعة الآن 06:54.

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