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قديم 03 - 02 - 2012, 03:14
hamada_king غير متصل

hamada_king is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue CD 120.120119 for CD creation & USB stick باخر اصدار ل...

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation

AVG rescue CD (for USB stick) 120.120119
برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation


من خلال الاسطوانه تستطيع التخلص من الفيروسات والملفات الضاره

AVG rescue CD - antivirus boot disk for recovery of Windows-systems that are unable to boot own or have lost this ability due to virus infection or malicious software.

The main functions of AVG rescue CD

• Charging system based on Linux OS
• Ability to connect to the Internet using DHCP or by manually configure the network
• The presence of antivirus and antispyware with updating virus databases
• Removing malware from infected systems. Supports Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista (Windows 7 is not tested)
• Supports FAT and NTFS file systems
• Ability to recover files
• Various system utilities: File manager, Ping, Windows registry editor, Command line (linux shell) and Fdisk

Instructions for use AVG rescue CD

1. Download the ISO-image antivirus boot disk.
2. Record the ISO-image to CD / DVD drive.
3. Reboot and boot the computer using the recorded disc.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation
تاريخ اصدار البرنامج : 26-1-2012
مساحة البرنامج : 4.5 ميجا

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation

برنامج الحمايه الرائع AVG Rescue 120.120119 for creation






fvkhl[ hgplhdi hgvhzu AVG Rescue CD 120>120119 for creation & USB stick fhov hw]hv g>>>


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الساعة الآن 12:39.

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