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قديم 10 - 01 - 2012, 23:47
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افتراضي Google integrates more features in the Plus Google search engine

Google integrates more features in the Plus Google search engine

Google wants to succeed hooked social in any way possible and due to having Google for important factors in the success of social network, such as YouTube and search engine and other services, we have seen a lot of integration between the services Google and Google Plus, today announced Google for more of this integration, integration between the engine search and social characteristics in Google Plus, where he became a search engine does not only offer general information sites and images, but can now view anything related to the user of pictures and friends and updates you typed in Google Plus and also be a search engine to find the accounts of users of Google easily, as well as Plus the accounts of users of Google and Google pages Plus, Using AutoComplete feature can be accessed for personal accounts and pages in Google Plus fast fashion to the degree of integration of image used in the search bar when you type a name

The Google has put a button that will filter the results according to the user if he wants to use these new features in the Google search engine or simply old-fashioned way in the presentation of results without social characteristics and will be a button located in the upper-right to switch between search results.

Photos from the new update to the Google search engine

Google integrates more features in the Plus search engine


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معلومات Google [ فن التعامل مع جوجل و كل ما تود معرفته ] Spider Man قسم تطوير المواقع و المنتديات 17 29 - 06 - 2011 15:58
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