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قديم 22 - 09 - 2011, 19:19
بتول الشرق غير متصل

بتول الشرق is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Mozilla Firefox Portable2012 اقوى متصفح في العالم

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Portable2012 اقوى متصفح العالم

Mozilla Firefox is an open source web browser with a clean design, providing excellent browsing speed and very powerful customization tools, with just a reasonable footprint on computer resources.

Portable Firefox is a special edition of Mozilla’s browsers that can be carried on a removable drive and run on any computer without affecting its system registry. There are no differences between the portable and the standalone editions in terms of functionality or appearance.

Firefox bundles features that include smart bookmarks, spell check, private browsing, a download manager, incremental find, tab grouping (gathers related tabs and organizes them into groups) and several others. In addition to these, Firefox also accommodates a series of tools for developers, such as the DOM Inspector and the Error Console.

The first contact with Firefox shouldn't be surprising since most browsers have already adopted tabbed browsing. It comes with a tabbed interface so opening multiple pages at the same time isn't a problem anymore. But what's under the hood is what really makes the difference.

Mozilla Firefox Portable2012 اقوى متصفح العالم

Mozilla Firefox Portable2012 hr,n ljwtp td hguhgl


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