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قديم 23 - 06 - 2011, 21:39
mno_shosha غير متصل
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mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي البرنامج الخطير لعمل التصميمات Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0 Unattended

Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0

البرنامج الخطير لعمل التصميمات Adobe Acrobat Professional 10.1.0
البرنامج الخطير لعمل التصميمات Adobe Acrobat Professional 10.1.0

Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0 Unattended RePack by SPecialiST | 350 MB

Software Adobe Acrobat X Pro allows you to create PDF documents of professional quality. Create and edit files of PDF, containing multimedia content, exchange of information with high reliability and effectively collect feedback.

System requirements:
1.3GHz or faster processor
Microsoft Windows XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 3 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Server 2003 (32 bit and 64 bit; Service Pack 2 required for 64 bit) ; Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Vista Home Basic or Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise (32 bit and 64 bit)
2GB of RAM
4.9GB of available hard disk space
1024x768 screen resolution
DVD ROM drive compatible with dual layer DVDs
Internet Explorer 7 or 8; Firefox 3.5 or 3.6
Video hardware acceleration (optional)
Note: For Windows Server 2003 SP2, Microsoft Update KB930627 is required.

The first thing that detects the user is an updated interface, equipped with a vertical menu bar insist that provides access to frequently used tools. Avoiding the usual menu organization allowed to achieve substantial performance gains when working with PDF files.

Another notable innovation of the tenth version of Acrobat are copying features text and spreadsheet data to the clipboard with formatting. If the user had previously spend a lot of time on the transfer of data from PDF to Word or Excel, and subsequent recovery of styling the document, such problems are now gone.

The possibility of adding a PDF document of comments and explanations is another interesting new feature in Acrobat X, designed to simplify work with files. Notes: You can register either as a banal text callouts, and the form of graphic elements arrows, stamps and other finished pieces. If you drive too lazy to text notes, you can record audio commentary, select the area you are editing the document and informed the microphone nadiktovyvaya clever phrase. Can search by appearing in the PDF file notes, using various filters and the ability to save comments to a separate file for later transfer to interested parties.

Undergone significant improvements in the mechanism of converting web pages into PDF, learned how to handle Internet resources with a given depth scan and pack the heterogeneous web content into a single file while maintaining the animation, flash movies and links between pages. Improvements are also affected by means of PDF Portfolios, allowing to combine into a single PDF file data types, with which may be text documents, Word, sound recordings, videos and other files. In particular, reports on the implementation of the tools mentioned in the new templates and visual themes and palettes.

Special mention deserves the ability to create snapshots of selections edited document. A similar functionality is implemented in Microsoft Office 2010, and now he is present in Acrobat X. Ordinary users it is unlikely to be useful, but the professionals involved in complex layout, graphic elements stuffed documents, it will be fitting.

A special pride of the founders tenth acrobat the presence of built in OCR, and subjected to refinements and allowing quick and dirty to extract text data from images. OCR module is able to interact with different languages, including Russian. As for the quality of recognition of Cyrillic characters, it is, to put it mildly, lame and forced to carry out the subsequent editing of the text warped, volumes which are at times quite impressive. In general, to a level of integrated ABBYY FineReader OCR Acrobat X does not hold, and Adobe Systems this fact acknowledged, emphasizing that they are asked to create an alternative domestic product.

Among the other most popular innovations can be noted the close integration with Microsoft Office products and SharePoint, improved tools for PDF export add in through PDFMaker, added not only to the said office suite, but in IBM Lotus Notes, Firefox, Autodesk AutoCAD and others installed on your computer program. Also reported productivity gains of the product and completed the remedy of PDF documents and preparing them for publication.

Features RePack versions:
The official Russian version!
Integrated with an update to version 10.1.0
After installation when you first start it asks what language you prefer
Manual and automatic installation of a choice
In the integrated installer serial number, and the hosts file in the patcher is responsible for updating that are disabled, in addition replaced the file amtservices.dll
Disabled License Agreement window in an automatic installer and unnecessary menu activation and updates
All compression archiver much so that the initial size of the original distribution was reduced from 564 to 347 MB. In view of this installation will require about 2 gigabytes of free disk space, 1GB of which will be after it is cleared from the temporary files.

Switching the locale the application
Start Run (Win + R)
reg add HKCU \ Software \ Adobe \ Adobe Acrobat \ 10.0 \ Language \ select / f
Edit Preferences (Ctrl + K) International Language Application Select when the program starts
Edit Preferences (Ctrl + K) International Application language Choose at application startup

Year: 2011
Program Name: Adobe Acrobat Pro X
Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Turkish

البرنامج الخطير لعمل التصميمات Adobe Acrobat Professional 10.1.0
التحميل برابط واحد فقط

L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***02 - Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0
L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***03 - Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0

hgfvkhl[ hgo'dv gulg hgjwldlhj Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10>1>0 Unattended acrobat adobe lugl professional unattended


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قديم 25 - 06 - 2011, 16:39   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

hosteg is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: البرنامج الخطير لعمل التصميمات Adobe Acrobat Professional X 10.1.0 Unattended

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hosteg غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
10.1.0, acrobat, adobe, معلم, البرنامج, التصميمات, الخطير, professional, unattended

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