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قديم 02 - 05 - 2008, 04:09
هاوي تصاميم غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

هاوي تصاميم is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

جميع منتجات ادوبي

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Adobe production studio premium

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

و يتضمن كلا من

Adobe After Effects 7.0

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Create compelling motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects with efficiency, precision, and infinite variety using the industry standard. Adobe After Effects® 7.0 software delivers the flexibility and power you need to bring a new dimension to your film, video, and web productions.

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Make every *************** count with Adobe Premiere® Pro 2.0 software, the most scalable, efficient, and precise video editing tool available. Whether you're working with HD, HDV, SD, or DV, superior performance and a complete toolset let you work faster and more creatively to deliver the quality work you and your clients demand

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


Adobe Photoshop CS2

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات
Enjoy greater precision and control when preparing images for use in film, video, and DVD productions with Adobe Photoshop® CS2 software. Take advantage of new features such as 32-bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) color support and Vanishing Point, which enables you to edit in perspective

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


Adobe Audition 2.0

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Use the all-in-one toolset for professional audio production, including looping and audio restoration capabilities. Adobe Audition® 2.0 software delivers the flexibility and control you need to produce great soundtracks for any project

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


Adobe Encore DVD 2.0

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Take advantage of Adobe Photoshop integration — unmatched by any other DVD-authoring software — to create full-featured, menu-driven DVDs for feature films, business communications, training, events, and more in Adobe Encore® DVD 2.0 software

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


Adobe Illustrator CS2

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات

Create editable and scalable vector artwork for your film, video, and web productions in Adobe Illustrator® CS2 software, now with advanced painting, drawing, and type tools

Adobe Production Studio اخر الاصدارات


وليس هذا كل شيء

فهو ايضا يتضمن Adobe Dynamic Link و Adobe Bridge

وهذان الاداتان تساعدان على سرعة استعراض و تنقية الملفات ويتواجدن فقط مع هذه المجموعة
خدلك جولة في البرنامج بالضغط هنا للتعرف على المزيد

System requirments

intel pentuim 4 1.4 Ghz processor

Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional or Home Edition with Service Pack 2

Ram 512 mega byte

Available hard disk space almost 21 giga byte for installation

Hard drive of 7200 RPM



جميع الروابط Rapidshare و البرنامج مقسم ل 23 جزء وذلك لكبر حجم البرنامج


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Adobe Production Studio hov hghw]hvhj


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الساعة الآن 14:18.

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