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قديم 05 - 06 - 2011, 22:48
hassan51083 غير متصل

hassan51083 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي صمم صورتك بنفسك مع برنامج Magic Photo

صمم صورتك بنفسك Magic Photo Editor v5.6 WinALL

صمم صورتك بنفسك برنامج Magic Photo

Magic Photo Editor v5.6 WinALL -YPOGEiOS | 4.2 MB

Magic Photo Editor is an application for editing photos. Now suppose you have a digital photo and a beautiful landscape picture, and you want to add you digital photo onto the landscape picture. You want to softly blend them together, and the blended picture should be natural and attractive. You are looking for a photo editing software which can do it easily and quickly. You can easily blend your digital photo onto another image to create special effect with this photo editor. It makes your photo interesting and pretty. You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. This photo editor is very easy to use.


# There are 200 masks for you to choose, which changes your photo in different shapes then blend it onto the backdrop image

# Add 60 kind of flowers onto your photo, which make you photo more beautiful

# Add 120 cartoon pictures onto your photo, which make you photo more interesting.

# Add text comments onto your photo.

# Add ***************s onto your photo. There are 200 ***************s included.


اضغط هنا للتحميل

wll w,vj; fkts; lu fvkhl[ Magic Photo magic photo


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برنامج, بنفسك, magic, صمم, صورتك, photo

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الساعة الآن 20:12.

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