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قديم 25 - 12 - 2010, 16:53
mno_shosha غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي حصريا وبانفراد تام برنامج USB Secure 1.5.5 لعمل رقم سرى للفلاش ميمورى

USB Secure 1.5.5

حصريا وبانفراد تام برنامج USB Secure 1.5.5 لعمل

حصريا وبانفراد تام برنامج USB Secure 1.5.5 لعمل
USB Secure 1.5.5 | 5.56 MB

هل تبحث عن برنامج يغلق لك الفلاش بكلمة مرور هل انت خائف من ان تضيع الفلاش

وتقع في ايدي الاخرين هل انت حريص على معلوماتك وتهمك للغاية هل انت خائف

من عمليـة استرجاع المعلومات للفلاش اليك الحل مع هذا البرنامج يمكنك أغلاق

الفلاش أو القرص الصلب الخارجى ولا يمكن تشعيله من خلال منافذ اليو أس بى

لمن ليس لديه كلمة المرور التى سوف تحددها بنفسك

Where there is a USB Drive, there has to be USB Secure! USB Secure can password protect USB drives. Protection is PC independent, doesn't require installation and doesn't require administrator rights at the other end. Never again worry about lost or stolen USB drives if you have protected it with USB Secure. USB Secure works with all types of portable media like USB Flash drives, Thumb drives, Memory sticks, External drives and Memory Cards.

What is USB Secure?

USB Secure helps you password protect USB drive, thumb drive, memory stick, pen drive, jump drive, flash drive and external hard drive. It supports plug and play and runs automatically once a USB drive is plugged in, asking you the password for it. USB Secure is hassle free and it doesn’t need a rocket scientist to master.

USB drives are the most popular way to move data from one PC to another. They are small in size but can carry gigabytes of data. They are easy to use, convenient, affordable, but at the same time they pose a security risk and can be easily lost, stolen or misplaced. A secure USB drive i.e., a password protected USB drive is a must these days as the data that it contains may cost you millions of dollars if stolen or lost.

You can easily lock USB drives with USB Secure and can also password protect memory sticks and all other external storage devices with just a single mouse click. An easy to use setup program will guide you to put the program on your USB drive. It can automatically detect all such drives currently plugged into your PC. After installing simply run the software, set and confirm a password, protect USB drive and sit back and relax!

It’s not necessary to run the software every time you want to protect USB drive; you can simply choose ‘Protect This USB Drive’ option from the Windows Autoplay that pops up every time you plug-in your USB drive. You can also double click the USB drive in your PC to launch the program. To unprotect your secure USB drive, click 'Unprotect' and enter correct password to access your data again.

Another great feature of USB Secure is that it doesn’t require any Administrator rights to run and therefore there is no need to install it at the other end to retrieve the password protected data. The program also supports plug & play and asks for a password immediately when the drive is plugged-in. Password protect USB drive and other portable media with USB Secure.

حصريا وبانفراد تام برنامج USB Secure 1.5.5 لعمل

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قديم 25 - 12 - 2010, 19:17   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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الصورة الرمزية الجرئ2006

الجرئ2006 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: حصريا وبانفراد تام برنامج USB Secure 1.5.5 لعمل رقم سرى للفلاش ميمورى

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1.5.5, للفلاش, ميمورى, معلم, تام, برنامج, حصريا, رقم, شرح, secure, usb, وبانفراد

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