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قديم 17 - 12 - 2010, 20:52
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج AMS Software Virtual Makeup 2.41 رهيب لعمل الميك اب للصور

برنامج AMS Software Virtual Makeup 2.41 رهيب لعمل

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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AMS Software Virtual Makeup 2.41

رهيب لعمل الميك اب للصور

برنامج AMS Software Virtual Makeup 2.41 رهيب لعمل

Virtual Makeup can be used to improve portrait photos in any field - if you make a artistic portrait, retouch photos to documents to create avatars "in contact" and "Classmates".

The program also allows you to easily simulate different styles of makeup. You can choose any color of lipstick and eye shadow, use powder, blush and foundation, change eye color and even make the weave hair. Moreover, Virtual Makeup makes it possible to make the skin more light or, conversely, to add the effect of sunburn. The program has a user-friendly interface in Russian language, easy to use and includes detailed help system. Virtual Makeup will make your photo really glamorous!

. Convenient and easy to use interface
. Wide range of colors
. A variety of makeup tools
. Ability to change eye color
. Unique 'plastic face'
. Virtual hair coloring and highlights

What's new in Virtual Makeup 2.41:
- Faster processing of photographs.
- New features of plastic face and figure.
- Improved the effects of tanning and dyeing hair.


برنامج AMS Software Virtual Makeup 2.41 رهيب لعمل

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2.41, للصور, ams, معلم, الميك, برنامج, makeup, رهيب, software, virtual

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