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قديم 09 - 12 - 2010, 15:37
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Portable Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.2 (Eng/Ru)

Portable Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.2 (Eng/Ru)

Portable Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.2 (Eng/Ru) | 154 MB

Adobe Photoshop CS5 - a program for processing raster graphics. Supports numerous graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case is to work with layers and uses the contours. program is the undisputed leader among the professional graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.

A revolutionary tool for Content-Aware Fill with well-developed intellect can instantly remove any object or part of the image carrying fill the space formed in the light of the other parts of the image. He just picks up light, tone and noise, depending on the surrounding area, which allows to eliminate any traces of the deleted object. With the new Refine Edge tool, users can perform the selection, which was virtually unavailable earlier. Innovative technology accurately detects and creates a mask for the most complex types of objects, such as hair or foliage of trees, while not capturing the background.

With the advent of Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures into one HDR image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate spectacular HDR images using a single image.

Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, who mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element of the image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.

Among the most interesting innovations are the following:
"Technology Truer Edge in Photoshop CS5 Extended, improves the definition of boundaries of objects in photographs.
"Tool Content-Aware Fill to remove from the image of an object and automatically fill the space with the relevant content.
"Advanced tools for working with the HDR-images, which include tool HDR Pro, which improved removal of artifacts and image adjustments. Using the HDR-toning, you can mimic the appearance of HDR-images for the usual picture.
"Tools Mixer Brush, blending the colors in one brush
"Puppet Warp Tool for the strain of any element of the image. It can, for example, to change the landscape to create a different perspective, or to straighten a bent arm.
"The ability to save 16-bit image format JPEG.
"Custom mini-bar Adobe Mini Bridge for fast file management, which is available directly from the application.

Advantages of Adobe Photoshop Extended:
- Convenient dynamic panel control to access all the necessary tools for color correction and toning images, styles, and other editing tools.
- Streamlined interface.
- Rotate the canvas with a single click from any angle.
- Intelligent scaling.
- Pixel-editing of images by maximizing individual sites without losing definition.
- Enhanced tools for editing motion graphics.
- View the Photo Gallery in a convenient format: tabs or in tiled format.

The most significant fixes in the Photoshop 12.0.2 update include the following:
- A number of potential security vulnerabilities have been addressed
- Top type and font crashers found in the field have been addressed
- A number of performance issues have been addressed
- Crash opening 3D layers has been addressed
- Color Engine crash has been resolved
- Intermittent file format issues addressed
- Shift scrolling bug fixed
- Sharpen crasher fixed
- Marching ants not seen at certain zoom levels fixed
- Metadata focus distance issue addressed
- File info bug addressed for Orphea Studio jpg files
- TWAIN crashers fixed
- Brush cursor bug fixed
- Histogram progress bar issue fixed
- Droplet issues addressed

- Updated Core to v12.0.2
- Made Portable
- Support for Plugs Ins (to the portable app folder IE: AppPhotoshopCS5Plug-ins)

- All Fonts
- Help files
- Air
- Media Player
- Bridge
- Toolkit
- Other Lang Color Profiles
- Switch Board
- Device Central
and other junk files


Portable Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12>0>2 (EngLRu)


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