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افتراضي ادوبي كريتف ستوديو Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5

ادوبي كريتف ستوديو Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5


Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5


11 برنامج من ادوبي برامج تصميم الجرافيك، وتحرير الفيديو، وتطوير مواقع الإنترنت

أدوبي كريتيف سويت Adobe Creative Suite‏ (تختصر إلى سي إس CS) أو باقة الإبداع من أدوبي،
هي مجموعة من برامج
تصميم الجرافيك، وتحرير الفيديو، وتطوير مواقع الإنترنت
من إنتاج أنظمة أدوبي. النسخة الأخيرة كان أدوبي كريتيف سويت 4 أعلن عنه في 23 سبتمبر 2008.

تقوم أدوبي ببيع ببرامج سي إس 5 على شكل ستة توزيعات تسمي الإصدارات Editions.
بعض الإصدارات بدأ توزيعها في 16 أبريل 2007، البعض الآخر مثل إصدارة الإنتاج المميز Production Premium والإصدارة الشاملة Master Collection بدأ توزيعها في 2 يوليو 2007.

تحتوي سي إس 5 على العديد من البرامج،
منها دريم ويفر Dreamweaver وفلاش Flash وفاير وركس Fireworks والتي كانت قد أنتجت وطورت من قبل ماكروميديا Macromedia المنافس الأول لأدوبي والذي حازت عليه أدوبي عام 2005.

والمجموعة النهائية من هذا الاصدار تحتوي على

• Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
• Adobe After Effects CS5
• Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended
• Adobe Illustrator® CS5
• Adobe Flash® Catalyst™ CS5
• Adobe Flash Professional CS5
• Adobe Soundbooth® CS5
• Adobe On************************™ CS5
• Adobe Encore® CS5
• Adobe Bridge CS5
• Adobe Device Central CS5

مجموعة كاملة واحترافية ونادر ان تجدها جميعهاً في تطبيق واحد

Conquer today's deadlines and tomorrow's challenges with Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 Production Premium software, the ultimate video production toolkit. Craft video productions, motion graphics, visual effects, and interactive experiences with high-performance, industry-leading creative tools. Boost your productivity with tightly integrated components that deliver breakthrough performance and smooth production workflows, giving you the power to produce engaging media for virtually any screen. With the latest versions of Adobe's best-of-breed video, audio, and design tools, CS5 Production Premium offers enhancements that help you work more efficiently when tackling a broad spectrum of planning, production, and post-production tasks. Each component offers a familiar user interface and integrates with other components for a complete, end-to-end toolset that accelerates video editing workflows from scriptwriting through post-production.

CS5 Production Premium offers motion graphic designers and visual effects artists best-of-breed video, animation, compositing, audio, and design tools that feel like a natural extension of your creative process. Work more efficiently with high-resolution projects and benefit from tight integration between Adobe Photoshop® Extended, Illustrator®, and Adobe Premiere® Pro.

What's new in CS5 Production Premium

Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 Production Premium software ups the ante with industry-leading, breakthrough performance. Accelerate video editing and production with 64-bit optimizations and expanded tapeless support, and rotoscope in a fraction of the time. Packed with hundreds of new features, CS5 Production Premium supercharges your productivity.

Work more efficiently when tackling a broad spectrum of video planning, production, and post-production tasks. CS5 Production Premium offers a familiar user interface across components, which work almost seamlessly together thanks to timesaving integration, roundtrip editing, and Adobe Dynamic Link, which eliminates intermediate rendering as you refine assets between Adobe After Effects®, Adobe Premiere® Pro, and other components.

Create high-impact, visually expressive motion graphics and visual effects more fluidly than ever with CS5 Production Premium. Native 64-bit support makes working on high-resolution projects easier, and new features like 3D extrusions in Adobe Photoshop® Extended and perspective drawing in Adobe Illustrator® expand your creative options. Plus, Adobe Premiere® Pro, featuring the new Adobe Mercury Playback Engine, is the perfect partner for Adobe After Effects®.

Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5 includes

• Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
• Adobe After Effects CS5
• Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended
• Adobe Illustrator® CS5
• Adobe Flash® Catalyst™ CS5
• Adobe Flash Professional CS5
• Adobe Soundbooth® CS5
• Adobe On************************™ CS5
• Adobe Encore® CS5
• Adobe Bridge CS5
• Adobe Device Central CS5

Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / XP X64 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64
64-bit OS required for Adobe After Effects® CS5 and Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5


SIZE : 7.18 GB


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h],fd ;vdjt sj,]d, Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5


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