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قديم 07 - 12 - 2010, 04:15
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Windows XP TrueFaster Pro SP3 Iso (12.2010)

Windows TrueFaster Pro SP3 Iso (12.2010)

What is special with this XP? This is one that is very fast and it looks really good.

-Disc already contains latest tools for XP which added by Microsoft
-including S-ATA Drivers For n-Force ,Intel ,ATI Chip-sets [32/64 Bits] Both Desktop and Notebook drivers
-Including Needed Plugins and Direct X Updates
-including All updates from Microsoft
-100% Genuine XP
-Included Latest Versions Of Internet Explorer ,Windows Media Player 11 and more at the time of release
-Disc can Boot with any Motherboard

Pre Activated - No WGA problems and Product is already activated

What Is new In this XP Service Pack 3
Net ***************work 2 [Service Pack 2]
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0
Microsoft Core XML Services 6.0 (MSXML6)
Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 v2
Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1
Windows Card Space

- All In One Driver -
- DriverPack Chipset
- DriverPack CPU
- DriverPack Graphics
- DriverPack LAN
- DriverPack MassStorage
- DriverPack Sound
- DriverPack WLAN
- Shell Pack Icon NotVista By DTU (Mod By Catalogk)
- Sound Vista
- Theme Pristine OS 1.2 by ~MohsinNaqi on deviantART
- CDShell Boot Menu
- CDBootMenu EasyBoot


-Download the Files
-Extract The ISO
-Burn It With any Burning Software in a slow speed
-Boot With the Burned CD
-Validate WGA
-Enjoy Forever


Windows XP TrueFaster Pro SP3 Iso (12>2010)


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برامجها Security Release ISO Image September 2010 للحماية من الاختراقات بحجم 535 ميجا ea_soft قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 0 03 - 11 - 2010 17:30
كنز السريال نمبر اكثر من الف سريال لجميع البرامج sharu83 قسم الكمبيوتر والانترنت 1 22 - 09 - 2010 21:15
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الساعة الآن 13:29.

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