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قديم 03 - 11 - 2010, 11:16
ea_soft غير متصل

ea_soft is on a distinguished road
افتراضي لتنضيف و ازالة اخطاء الحاسوب AVG PC Tuneup 2011 Final مع الكراك

لتنضيف ازالة اخطاء الحاسوب AVG Tuneup 2011

AVG PC Tuneup 2011 Final

لتنضيف ازالة اخطاء الحاسوب AVG Tuneup 2011

نعلم أن AVG يقوم بحمايتك من الفيروسات و الملفات التي تضر جهازك...وفي بعض الأحيان بجعل حاسوبك بطيء ولكن مع هذه الأداة لن تشعر بذلك بعد الأن لأنها تقوم بتحديد المشاكل التي تبطئك و تصلحها وتساعدك على الحصول أقصى إستفادة من الكمبيوتر الخاص بك..

You already know how AVG can protect you online. Now we take that expertise one step further by fixing problems that slow you down. AVG PC Tuneup is your one-stop shop to help you get the most out of your PC.

Optimize your Internet connection
Internet optimizer

Internet optimizer automatically tunes your Internet connection settings to speed up your online life.
Recover accidentally deleted files
File recovery

AVG PC Tuneup comes fully equipped with a file recovery tool so that you can recover files that have been damaged or accidentally deleted within Windows.
Permanently delete files and wipe disks
File shredder and disk wiper

Deleting files or folders removes references to them but doesn’t remove the actual data stored within the file. This means that files you think you've deleted can easily be retrieved.
Protect your privacy
Track eraser

Lots of information about your activities is recorded on your PC. Track eraser will help you protect your privacy by removing this personal information from your computer.
Make your PC more stable and free up disk space
Disk and registry cleaner

Clean up old files, duplicate files and broken registries to get the most out of your PC.
Improve your disk speed
Disk and windows registry defragmenter

Disc defragmentation optimizes your file system to get the most out of your hard drive. Enjoy a faster hard disk and a more stable and smooth running computer.
Monitor your hard drive health and space usage
Disk doctor and disk explorer

With these two tools it will be easy for you to keep your data organized and safe from being lost due to hard disk failure.

حجم الاداة : 10 ميجا بايت

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مرفق الكراك


لتنضيف ازالة اخطاء الحاسوب AVG Tuneup 2011


gjkqdt , h.hgm ho'hx hgphs,f AVG PC Tuneup 2011 10>0>0>20 Final lu hg;vh;


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AVG PC Tuneup 2011 10.0 برنامج لصيانة الجهازو تحسين أداءه. roi123 قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 3 09 - 10 - 2010 00:26

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