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قديم 27 - 02 - 2010, 23:48
الصورة الرمزية ابن حماس
ابن حماس غير متصل
..:: مشرف قسم المنقولات الادبيه .

ابن حماس is on a distinguished road
افتراضي عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

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عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGenعملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGenعملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGenعملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

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عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة الشهير باحدث اصدار

TuneUp Utilities 2010.v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

التعريف بالبرنامج

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

يقوم هذا البرنامج الرائع الحائز على العديد من الجوائز بتسريع جهازك بمثاليه ويحافظ على قوته وخلوه من الأخطاء التي تحدث لكل حاسوب ويقوم بمعالجة الذاكرة وأسترجاع الذاكرة المفقودة ويقوم بتنظيفالقرص الصلب من الملفات الغير مرغوب بها وليس لها أي فائدة للحا سوبوتستطيع التحكم بهذا البرنامج بجميع نوافذ الويندوز وله الكثير من المميزات الرائعة والقوية جداً ويستطيع البرنامج أسترجاع ملفاتك التي حذفتها نهائياًمن قرص الصلب بكل سهولة وكذلك يحتوي البرنامج على تحكم بستايل الويندوز وتغيير شكل الويندوز والكثير من المميزات التي سوف تجدها فيهذا العملاق فعلا برنامج رائع للصيانه قم بتحميله وتجربته

TuneUp Utilities 2010 can quickly make your Windows operating system faster, easier to use, and more secure. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. AllTuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. In addition, the main window also has three general buttons in a dark gray bar to the right at the top of the window. Pressing the first button starts the TuneUp Rescue Center module. The second button starts the TuneUp Update Wizard, which can be used to updateTuneUp Utilities 2009 to the latest version over the Internet. The last button provides help and settings that you can use to customize the software package to meet your needs.

The new Start page
TuneUp Utilities 2010 welcomes you with a completely redesigned Start page, which tells you about the status of your computer. If problems or nonoptimal settings are found, you are only a mouse-click away from resolving them. The Start page also tells you when new tips for increasing computer performance are available and warns you if maintenance tasks are not being taken care of automatically. TheStart page also shows you whether new automatic startup programs have been added to Windows since the last time you ran TuneUp Utilities. You can decide whether these programs that start up automatically are really necessary.

TuneUp Speed Optimizer
Which settings slow your computer down? Which unnecessary services or programs are running in the background? Is your Internet connection optimally configured? TuneUp Speed Optimizer knows the answers to all these questions. It examines your entire system for bottlenecks, superfluous background programs, and incorrectsettings . Great: with just one click you can carry out most optimizations very quickly. In addition, TuneUp Speed Optimizer provides suggestions for speeding up your system.

TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Cleaning up your working environment is tedious: removing invalid shortcuts from the Start menu, the Desktop, and the Quick Launch bar is very time-consuming. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner now does the work for you. It checks whether all shortcuts are valid and removes the orphaned ones with just a click of a button. At the same time, empty folders are removed from the Start menu. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner also checks frequently used programs and cleans up the list of recently opened files.

Support for the Opera browser
After hard disk defragmentation, which we introduced in TuneUp Utilities 2009, the feature most requested by customers was support for the Opera browser. TuneUp Utilities 2010 now also includes full support for Opera. Via several special Opera settings, TuneUp System Control now allows you to change the number of Speed Dial entries, conveniently choose your default search engine, and reenable fast backward and forward navigation. Internet optimization lets you optimize Opera's performance for your Internet connection. Free up disk space lets you delete the Opera cache.

TuneUp Styler
Now you can also change the Vista logo animation which appears just before logon. You can download a whole series of great animations from the TuneUp website. Or, if you prefer, you can choose your own personal image to display while Vista starts up. With Vista, you can also add your own images to Vista's logon screen: With just a few mouse clicks you can create a truly personal logon experience.

TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Redesigned from the ground up, TuneUp Install Manager now runs much faster and has a new, even more intuitive interface so that it is even easier to uninstall unnecessary programs. Unnecessary programs often are forgotten because they were installed a long time ago and then not used.TuneUp Utilities 2009 shows you a list of programs not used for a long time so that you can target for uninstallation those applications that use valuable disk space and in certain circumstances even slow your system down.

TuneUp StartUp Manager
A smooth-running system results when there are no unnecessary autostart applications. The improved TuneUp Startup Manager organizes your programs into groups and provides clear explanations to make it easier for you to identify those programs that are not needed.New automatic startup programs are now highlighted so that you can disable unwanted entries more easily. System start tasks are now also listed in TuneUp StartUp Manager In Vista, in particular, scheduled tasks are used in place of autostart entries.

Free up disk space
The already rapid display of disk space to be freed up is now even faster on NTFS drives. And now it is so easy to delete even more unnecessary files, like the backup files for the first Windows Vista service pack and the Opera and Safari caches. The second "Free up disk space" module that helps you turn off Windows functions that use excessive disk space has also been enhanced. The Windows Search index can now be disabled and deleted with a single click. This makes particular sense if you are already using a different search engine. In addition, TuneUp Disk Space Explorer now runsfaster and no longer requires that an entire drive be analyzed. You can now specify that only those folders be analyzed that you are really interested in.

Lots more improvements
Along with the totally new features, there are a series of improvements that are not immediately visible. There are small improvements like Tooltips in the main window, a substantial increase in the number of problems that can be found byTuneUp Registry Cleaner, and better progress feedback from TuneUp Drive Defrag. But there are also big improvements "under the hood". Two good examples are a completely reworked installation program and significant improvements in our update technology.

ОС / OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7

موقع البرنامج



عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen


من هنا

عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen
عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen
عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

لتحميل البرنامج + الكيجن

ولتحميل الكيجن فقط


عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 KeyGen

ulghr hgwdhkm TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9>0>4020>33 + KeyGen


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09 - 06 - 2010, 00:50   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

alyahmed81 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

تسلم ايدك

alyahmed81 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17 - 08 - 2010, 23:37   رقم المشاركة : [3]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

wesam-2010 is on a distinguished road
Talking رد: عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

الف شكر على المجهووووووووود

wesam-2010 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17 - 08 - 2010, 23:51   رقم المشاركة : [4]
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..
الصورة الرمزية أياد

أياد is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

الف شكر على المجهووووووووود

أياد غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14 - 01 - 2011, 02:48   رقم المشاركة : [5]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

shams_shams is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: عملاق الصيانة TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4020.33 + KeyGen

الف شكر على المجهووووووووود

shams_shams غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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