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قديم 25 - 10 - 2010, 22:16
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي تحديث برنامج متصفح الصور PhotoBook v1.50c من شركة Lonely Cat Games

السلام عليكم

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تحديث برنامج متصفح الصور

PhotoBook v1.50c

من شركة

Lonely Cat Games

Lonely Cat Games PhotoBook v1.50c S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed Cr@cKeD-By-R@me$h


LCG PhotoBook is handy photo browser and photo viewer to display digital photo images taken with yourmobile camera, cell phone or downloaded from PC. Application contains a graphic photo browser and photo viewer which allow you to preview, zoom, slideshow and many other functionalities. It supports Google maps, so you can open in details the GPS tags with Google Maps mobile or with mobile phone web browser.

Key features:

* - Many supported images format such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, animated GIF
* - GPS tags opened in Google Maps Mobile or in mobile phone web browser
* - Touch optimized
* - File management: delete file, rename file, create folder, copy file, move file
* - Add images to contact (only on Symbian platform)
* - Send image via: multimedia,bluetooh.infrared, post to web - Nokia Ovi (only on Symbian platform)
* - Shows thumbnails of photos in the current folder
* - Zoom
* - Show EXIF more details in list view mode
* - Fast directory view: moving through directory
* - Many hotkeys
* - Watch slideshow with time setup
* - Show content of ROM/RAM drives (only on Symbian platform

New features:

* Add photos to online albums and social networks (Google Picasa, Flickr.com, Photobucket.com)
* Added language packs (Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Ukrainian)
* View system files and folders
* Assign the photo contacts
* Setting Scan
* Change the font size
* Some minor changes and fixes

Features added in version 1.50c:

* Upload to Facebook available on S60 devices
* Fixes in Photobucket.com upload

About Cr@cK:

* No Need to Register..!
* Unlimited Trial

التحميل والحفظ من هنا


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الساعة الآن 20:27.

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