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قديم 25 - 09 - 2010, 13:51
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EximiousSoft GIF Creator v5.79

لعمل الصور متحركة رائعة

برنامج EximiousSoft GIF Creator v5.79 لعمل الصور متحركة

برنامج رهيب جدا يقوم بصناعة الصور المتحركة الرائعة البرنامج بيحفظ الملفات علي هيئة صور او فلاشات او فيديو

الصيغ الي بيخرجها البرنامج GIF, AVI, BMP, PCX, JPG, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD, ICO, CUR,ANI, SWF

EximiousSoft GIF Creator is a powerful, reliable and easy animation designing tool. With which the bright,vivid,flashy,dynamic images for GIF animation, advertisement banners or special animations can be produced in short times. As soon as EximiousSoft GIF Creator was founded, more and more new users recognized it, used it even liked it. Up to now, EximiousSoft GIF Creator has established the leadership in the animation designing industry. Why is that? Besides the common features which other popular products possess, the most important thing is that it has the following key features.
• 40+ effects. No matter whether you are a new comer in animation designing or not, you still can use EximiousSoft GIF Creator to design amazing animation and advertisement banners.
• Professional designing tools. Having full set of edition tools is the reason of high quality pictures are made by EximiousSoft GIF Creator.
• Selection tools. including Magic wand, Lasso and other geometry shape tools. With these tools, you can cut, copy and delete proportion of the animation, as well as directly edit the particular areas in the animation without influencing other parts.
• Vector painted tools.Which can paint the smoothest lines, texts, symbols, rectangle with round corners, oval and other geometry shapes.
• Erasing tools. Which can easily clear away the proportion what you don’t want.
• Transform tools. Rotate and resize the special bitmap and vector object visually.
• 3D vision effect. With EximiousSoft GIF Creator, you can generate shadow effect for the objects you wanted to make them Stereoscopic effect. In addition, for texts and symbols, you can specify outline attributes to get high quality 3D advertisement banners.
• Automatic optimization. With When EximiousSoft GIF Creator produces an GIF animation, it will always make the ************************ size minimum while maintaining the image’s quality as before, so as to reduce server load, bandwidth charges and save disk space.
• Edit visually and easily. With As a user of EximiousSoft GIF creator, you will not only enjoy the friendly user’s interface ,but also preview the editing result directly and cancels the previous change at any time.
• Supporting multi-types formats of images or animations, such as GIF, AVI, BMP, PCX, JPG, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD, ICO, CUR, ANI, and SWF etc.


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