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قديم 23 - 09 - 2010, 21:22
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افتراضي برنامج ImTOO Video Cutter v1.0.34.1231 لتقطيع الفيديو

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ImTOO Video Cutter


لتقطيع الفيديو

برنامج ImTOO Video Cutter v1.0.34.1231 لتقطيع الفيديو


برنامج ImTOO Video Cutter تقطيع فيديو مميز يقوم بتقطيع اي فيلم لديك إلى اجزاء انت تحدد حجمها لكي يتسهل لكن نقلة على النت او نقلة على هارد خارجي او فلاش ميموري او ذاكرة جوال او لاي موبايل تريد تستطيع ان تقطع العديد من صيغ الفيديو مثل VCD, AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, 3GP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/PSP AVC, MOV, ASF وغيرها يحتوي البرنامج على مزايا فريده في هذا المجال تجعله الاول في مصاف البرامج ولا ننسى انه من الشركة الرائدة جداً ImTOO والبرنامج متوافق مع كل نظم التشغيل

ImTOO Video Cutter is a powerful video cutting software to help you cut your favorite video segments from one file as AVI cutter, MPEG cutter, MP4 cutter and H.264 cutter. Compared with other programs, ImTOO Video Cutter supports almost all mainstream video formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, 3GP, H.264, MOV, ASF, DAT. * ImTOO Video Cutter perfectly assists you to cut out your favorite segments out of entire video file as the AVI cutter, MPEG cutter, MP4 cutter and H.264 cutter. It supports almost all popular video formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, H.264, MOV, ASF, SWF, DAT.
* As a unique video cutter software, it supports previewing the original file, setting the begin-point and end-point super accurately, the function to auto implement "After Done" action, etc.
* ImTOO Video Cutter can be used to extract segments and it comes with an easy-to-understanding interface that helps you carry out the cutting tasks without any problems.

Main Functions:

* Video cutterVideo cutterSelect any part of your favorite video, cut out the video segments you dislike, and output the clips as a whole one.
* AVI cutterCut video and output oneCut video, merge clips to one file and output as an AVI cutter, MPEG cutter, 3GP cutter, WMV cutter, MOV cutter.
* AVI video cutterAVI video cutterImTOO Video Cutter cuts AVI file into smaller AVI clips and retain desired ones to output as a new single AVI file.
* MPEG cutterSupport popular video formatsCut an AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, H.264, MOV, ASF, SWF, or DAT video and convert clips to output a single file.

Key Features:

* Cut parts of the video file, delete the unwanted segments in the list and output the rest as a new one.
* With ImTOO Video Cutter, you can accurately define the segment or zoom in/out to get desired clips.
* Preview the original video file, video clips and the output video merged from these clips with the built-in player.
* Run the software in the background when outputting the file merged from video clips to save space.
* Provide several after-done actions: shutdown, exit, hibernate, standby to do the rest after conversion done.
* Offer four interface languages: English, German, Japanese and Chinese for different users.


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