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قديم 11 - 09 - 2010, 21:40
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج تغير حجم الصورة دون التأثير على جودتها Mytoolsoft Image Resizer 2.3.1

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برنامج تغير حجم الصورة دون التأثير على جودتها

Mytoolsoft Image Resizer 2.3.1

برنامج Mytoolsoft Batch Image Resizer 1.2 برنامج رائع تم تجريبه يقوم بتغير حجم اي صورة دون التأثير على جودتها , حمل البرنامج مجانا من مدونة البرامج وتمتع بخصائص نادرة ورائعة .
يدعم البرنامج كل امتدادات الصور المعروفة bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff … الخ
وهو متوافق مع Windows All


Mytoolsoft Image Resizer is a resize images software which was created to resize multiple images and convert format in batch mode. Easy three-step operation to complete. Mytoolsoft Image Resizer will help you resize your photos to create thumbnails, email to friends, upload to photo sharing websites or upload to websites that provide photo printing services. quickly and easily.

Mytoolsoft Image Resizer is a resize images software which was created to resize multiple images and convert format in batch mode.
• Resize multiple images in batch mode, easily and quickly.
• Support convert format and rename images.
• Simple three-step operation to complete, easy to use.
• For create thumbnails, upload to website, email to friends. etc.

Key Features
• image resizer - work in batch mode
• resize your multiple images at once
• support a wide range of picture formats: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff...
• image resizer - profuse utility function
• resize images to your custom size.
• maintain aspect ratio option.
• after scaling, limit the file size.
• retain the EXIF information.
• convert format and setting output image quality.
• batch rename output files.
• auto backup the same files.
• image resizer - easy to use
• friendly user interface, easy three-step operation to complete.
• support drag & drop files and folder.
• auto save resizer setting and output setting.


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fvkhl[ jydv p[l hgw,vm ],k hgjHedv ugn [,]jih Mytoolsoft Image Resizer 2>3>1


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قديم 11 - 09 - 2010, 22:32   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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ربيع العمر is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: برنامج تغير حجم الصورة دون التأثير على جودتها Mytoolsoft Image Resizer 2.3.1


ربيع العمر غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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