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قديم 28 - 08 - 2010, 23:01
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج FolderSizes 2010 v5 لمعرفة المساحه المستخدمة والغير مستخدمة على قرصك

السلام عليكم


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FolderSizes 2010 v5

لمعرفة المساحه المستخدمة والغير مستخدمة على قرصك

برنامج FolderSizes 2010 لمعرفة المساحه المستخدمة والغير مستخدمة
وظيفة البرنامج

1_ يخبرك بالمساحه المستخدمة والغير مستخدمة على قرصك الصلب
2_ يخبرك بأكبر المجلدات لديك والتي تستهلك مساحات كبيرة على القرص الصلب
3_ يخبرك بالملفات المكررة
4_ يخبرك بالملفات القديمه لديك والتي لم تستخدمها من فترات طويلة

Portabel version no need to install. Just click & run.
FolderSizes is a useful and powerful program which people everywhere are using to understand their hard disk space utilization.FolderSizes works by scanning a hard drive or folder of your choice and providing visual feedback on the results.BulletProof FolderSizes generates detailed and graphical drive space usage reports on the fly, while it's scanning your system.You can drill into any subfolder with a double-click (in the detail list or the graph image), allowing you to quickly locate the source of excessive hard drive space consumption. Key Features:-
* Hierarchical folder map visualization (based upon treemap technology)
* Integrated scheduler (Pro edition only)
* Unicode file and folder name support
* Interactive, dynamic, full-color bar and pie graphs
* Fast, multi-threaded, network-aware file system scanning
* Isolate largest, oldest, duplicate, and temporary files
* View disk space utilization by file type / attributes
* View local & network disk space usage by owner / group
* Command line interface for scripting & integration (Pro edition only)
* FilterZip regular-expression based compression system
* See total & free space for fixed, removable, network drives
* Export reports in HTML, XML (Pro edition only), CSV, and more
* Integrates with the Windows shell context menu (32 and 64 bit support!)
* Extremely configurable - colors, fonts, print options, etc.
* Flexible, multi-path oriented search and file reporting systems
* Strong support for viewing allocated disk space (e.g. "size on disk")
* "Command Prompt from Here" in all context menus
* Super-fast, in-memory database provides stunning performance
* Support for direct entry of UNC network paths in all reports
* Optional symbolic link skipping


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fvkhl[ FolderSizes 2010 v5 gluvtm hglshpi hglsjo]lm ,hgydv lsjo]lm ugn rvw;


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الساعة الآن 19:56.

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