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قديم 20 - 08 - 2010, 21:38
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج الحماية وازالة ملفات التجسس والريجستي IObit Security 360 Pro 1.50.12

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الحماية وازالة ملفات التجسس والريجستي

IObit Security 360

Pro 1.50.12


برنامج حماية ضد التروجانز وملفات التجسس

Scan and Remove the Deepest Malware that Your Antivirus Missed! IObit Security 360 is an advanced malware & spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from various of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, and hijackers. With the unique "Dual-Core" engine and the heuristic malware detection, IObit Security 360 detects the most complex and deepest spyware and malware in a very fast and efficient way. IObit Security 360 has a real-time malware protection and frequent automatic updating for prevention of zero-day security threats. IObit Security 360 can work with your Antivirus for a superior PC security. Tested operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 7 (x86_64), Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64 Bit (x86_64), Windows XP, Windows XP 64 Bit (x86_64), Windows 2000. Key Features and Benefits:

• Complete PC Security Care
Antimalware, antispyware, anti-adware, anti-Trojan, anti-bots, and more. There will be no antivirus and firewall functions in this version, but we can help your Antivirus defend any tricky and complex threat.
Currently, there is not any solution that offers a 100% effectiveness rate for detecting viruses and malware. You may become a victim of misleading advertising, if you buy such a product under those premises.
• 1-click Solution and Very Easy to Use
Traditional Advantages of IObit. We love simple and automatic style.
• Very Fast and Light
Thanks to the unique "Dual-Core" anti-malware engine, complicated analysis can be made faster now.
• Finds the Deepest Infections
We use DOG (Digital Original Gene), a novel heuristic malware detection method, to find the most complex threats.
• Automatic and Frequent Updates
IObit Security 360 Team is ready now.
• Work with All Antivirus Products
Everyone needs a qualified antivirus software, And IObit Security 360 will surely be the best mate for your current Antivirus.
• Free for Home/Non-commercial Use
Scan & Remove is free, and real-time protection is free too. You will love this small but powerful free anti-malware.


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