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قديم 15 - 08 - 2010, 15:27
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up برنامج ZXReader v.2.0.0 Beta1 لقراءة وتحرير النصوص

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم


اقدم لكم


ZXReader v.2.0.0 Beta1

لقراءة وتحرير النصوص

برنامج ZXReader v.2.0.0 Beta1 لقراءة وتحرير النصوص

Key features:

» Supported formats: TXT, FB2, ZIP (containing TXT or FB2), TCR;
» Support for most encodings;
» Automatic change of portrait/landscape mode when the phone turns;
» Support touch control;
» Full screen mode;
» Fonts settings, including third-party *.ttf;
» Pages autoscrolling;
» Backlight control: brightness, constancy;
» Text processing: hyphenation words, bonding lines (cutted into the line of certain width in text editors);
» Split screen on a few active zones, for each of which can to set a certain command.

What's new:

» The program is put, regardless of previous versions, do not interfere with each other
» The first time you are some one-time actions that will take some time
» Read mode is almost identical to version 1.5.0.
» Temporarily remove auto-listing. Future versions will be returned
» Temporarily remove finger scrolling. Negatives have caused many readers, especially seen positive. Most likely will return in the form of kinetic scrolling
» Footnotes are now opened to full screen and is available the full range of functions read mode. Exit footnotes - click on the icon at the bottom right or the right soft
» Pictures are not flushed to disk. The exception is miniature artwork for the library
» Mode menu is identical to version 1.5.0
» Settings made on the basis of the file system - nested structure, each element or group, or setting
» Settings were approximately as in 1.5.0, changed group
» Is posed by the full protection of deactivating the menu
» Options are grouped by profiles, all of them can be up to 5. Current profile is selected from menu. Every profile is editable name
» In the settings added command reset
» Added setting of the cache. The program now reads the original files without copying them into the cache (but has to do to decompress the zip). But the result of parsing the file can be stored in the cache, in this case, the next time will book quickly. So, decide what is more important than speed or disk space.
» The library is still two modes - a file system and books, switching between them or by clicking on the acc. button on the screen, or press 0
» The file system is made not as a tree, but as a panel in the manner of Total commander
» In the file system, you can choose a book to read, it is automatic added to the library and will read
» In the file system, you can add all the current folder in which you are. This process will take some time. Accelerate possible to include the settings in "Fast reading when you add to the library, but it will not be read cover to fb2 (opening this fb2 read the cover will still be readable)
» To perform various actions on files called panel with commands
List of books is also embedded structure, whose form is dependent on user selection - a flat list, grouping by author, series, etc.
» Order books are also user-configurable
» When activated, the books in the library will be proposed action - Open, Properties, Delete, and so on. Properties - go to the viewing and editing of data about the book (name, author, etc.). Not all data is allowed to edit. Data is read from the file, so for fb2 they will be filled, for txt - no
» To perform various actions on the books in library called panel with commands
» Maximum quantitative books in the library - 300. When you add 301 books, the oldest is removed. Age books is the date of the last opening
» When you change the background color do not forget to immediately change the color and text, and you can get the background color of the text is equal, ie screen will be monochrome.

[NOTE]: Symbian 9.1 - not supported


برنامج ZXReader v.2.0.0 Beta1 لقراءة وتحرير النصوص

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fvkhl[ ZXReader v>2>0>0 Beta1 grvhxm ,jpvdv hgkw,w


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