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قديم 12 - 07 - 2010, 03:44
DreamsCity غير متصل
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افتراضي نسخة السفن رائعة الجمال Windows 7 Tabulorasa Edition x86 باخر التحديثات واحدث البرامج


Windows 7 Tabulorasa Edition x86


Building on the team Tabulorasa TEAM, base on the original image of Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate c x86-y architecture (32 bit). Integrated original visual style, all critical updates have been applied some tviki to improve system performance. Preinstalled software is not, but the assembly is attached a small WPI, which are the main programs are used most often and claiming users. Everyone will be able to establish himself exactly what he wanted. WPI is available from the autorun menu, or simply from the root disk.

Year: 2010
Developer: Microsoft / Tabulorasa TEAM
Language: English, Russian
File Format: iso
Platform: x86
Size: 2.88 GB
Medicine: Complete

System requirements

Processor: 1 GHz x86/x64
RAM: 512 MB or above
Disk space: 10 GB
VIDEO: DirectX 9 graphics and 128 MB of memory for the theme Aero

After installing the system on the desktop folder with activators and instructions for use, as well as a folder with a universal tweaker Fix for Windows 7 - for those who wish to apply tviki the system to your liking, a standard set of tweaks minimal - just disabled the service, the loading system .


By default after installing the standard default theme (modified only the background image), but in the assembly of integrated 30 fresh paint in order for every taste (see screenshots) - something for everyone to find themselves.

Since this assembly is the provost, publications team Tabulorasa TEAM, it was decided to publish it as PRERELISE - all interested in this system is expressed, please leave your opinion, to determine the pros and cons, what would you like to add in the assembly or the WPI, that change in registration what to fix, etc. All your wishes and preferences will be incorporated in future versions of Windows 7 Tabulorasa Edition! BUT! With all due respect to the visitors of the portal - I beg you - only comments on the topic! The topic did not flood, do not spam, do not troll! All flooder and zatrollenye villas bi detekted End panished!

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ksom hgstk vhzum hg[lhg Windows 7 Tabulorasa Edition x86 fhov hgjp]dehj ,hp]e hgfvhl[


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