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قديم 25 - 05 - 2010, 01:35
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج ضغط الملفات الرائع WinMount v3.3.0524

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برنامج ضغط الملفات الرائع

WinMount v3.3.0524


برنامج جديد ومبتكر وأكثر من رائع يمكنك من التعامل مع الملفات المضغوطة والأفراص الوهمية بمنتهى الروعة والسهولة لست بحاجة بعد الآن لفك ضغط ملفات ال RAR الموجودة على جهازك البرنامج يقوم بالتعامل مع الملفات المضغوطة RAR والأقراص الوهمية مثل ISO على غرار البرنامج الرائع DAEMON Tools فتقوم بعمل Mount للملف المضغوط فيظهر لك جهاز USB Mass Storage وهمى يحتوى على ما بداخل المف المضغوط وبالمثل يقوم بعمل Virtual CD للأقراص الوهيمة ISO برنامج أكثر من رائع فى منتهى السهولة ويستحق التجربة

WinMount is a powerful windows utility which is dedicated to managing compressed archives and image files impressively and conveniently. It's used to mount MOU, RAR, ZIP, ISO,etc archives as virtual disk, which enabling you to use the files inside it directly without needing to extract it beforehand. Such convenient, therefore, saves your time and disk space dramatically. WinMount also have compress, decompress and browse function that widely used by common compression tools. Supports compressing, decompressing and browsing MOU, RAR, ZIP, 7Z. WinMount, serving as a CD-ROM OR DVD-ROM emulator, supports almost all image file formats: ISO, BIN/CUE, CCD, BWT, MDS/MDF, NRG, IMG, ISZ, Microsoft WIM as a virtual disk. In addition, WinMount supports mounting VHD, WMT, Microsoft WIM, FLAC, APE, WV as a virtual disk and using them directly.

MOU - A Highly, Fast, Free compressed format
- MOU is a new compressed file format that designed by WinMount.
- Features: Highly and fast compressed, by using the unique technology of mount, it can be mounted to a new virtual drive and be opened in a instant.
- RAR/ZIP/7Z can be converted to MOU by WinMount.
- MOU is free of charge. That is, MOU can be used or published by personal, commercial and government;

Compress, decompress, browse
- WinMount supports the regular operations for archives: compress, decompress (smart decompression is supported), browse.
ZIPfolder:Open a ZIP as a folder.

Mount - New opertation mode for archives
- Mount: Use archives directly by mounting them as a virtual drive, decompression is not needed.
- When mount RAR/ZIP file, WinMount will create an index file for it at the first time (only the first time), you should wait a moment. Other times you mount it will in an instant.
- We strongly recommend you to convert RAR/ZIP/7Z to MOU, because MOU never need to create index file.

Image files support
- WinMount supports mount image files to a virtual drive.

Audio, CD support
- WinMount supports mounting APE/FLAC/WV to a virtual CD. Conversion is not needed. You can listen to songs by selecting.

WMT - Designed for private files
- WMT can be opened by WinMount only. Encrypt function is being developed. This format is designed for protect the private files.

Other common formats support
- WinMount supports mounting VHD (Virtual hard disk).
- WinMount supports mounting WIM and browsing Microsoft WIM.

Folder support
- WinMount can mount folder as a virtual disk. This function is widely used by advance users.

More functions are on their way, check the list below:
* Support mounting Http, ftp
* Support mounting Ghost disk image file
* Support mounting VMWare disk image file
* Support mounting arj and ice archive files
* Support mounting Inno setup, install-shield archive files ... Whatever you can imagine


من هنا


fvkhl[ qy' hglgthj hgvhzu WinMount v3>3>0524


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