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قديم 14 - 05 - 2010, 19:11
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج XP Smoker 5.4 لتسريع الجهاز والتحكم فى كل شىء

السلام عليكم

أقدم لكم


5.4 XP Smoker

برنامج Smoker 5.4 لتسريع الجهاز والتحكم شىء

لتسريع الجهاز والتحكم فى كل شىء

برنامج XP Smoker Pro برنامج لتسريع الجهاز والتحكم فى كل شىء فى الويندوز برنامج رائع واصدار جديد لمهام عديدة في الويندوز

XP Smoker Pro - Is the newer, more powerful version of the Award winning tweaking utility designed specifically for Windows XP a.k.a WinXP. XP Smoker Pro allows you to change a multitude of settings in the registry. These settings can improve the performance of your computer drastically. XP Smoker Pro includes a State-Of-The-Art internet optimizer that runs a series of tests to optimize your internet connection for blazing fast surfing no matter what connection speed you have whether it be broadband or dialup. XP Smoker Pro Includes 94 extra security settings to safeguard your pc from curious children. XP Smoker Pro is compatible with Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). XP Smoker Pro - Is the newer, more powerful version of the Award winning tweaking utility designed specifically for Windows XP a.k.a WinXP. XP Smoker Pro allows you to change a multitude of settings in the registry. These settings can improve the performance of your computer drastically. XP Smoker Pro includes a State-Of-The-Art internet optimizer that runs a series of tests to optimize your internet connection for blazing fast surfing no matter what connection speed you have whether it be broadband or dialup. XP Smoker Pro Includes 94 extra security settings to safeguard your pc from curious children. XP Smoker Pro is compatible with Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3).


من هنا


من هنا


fvkhl[ XP Smoker 5>4 gjsvdu hg[ih. ,hgjp;l tn ;g anx


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07 - 07 - 2010, 12:22   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

luji226 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: برنامج XP Smoker 5.4 لتسريع الجهاز والتحكم فى كل شىء

thaaaaaaaaaank uuuuu

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