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قديم 20 - 04 - 2010, 17:26
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج الملحوظات الزكي Power Notes 3.48

السلام عليكم

أقدم لكم

جديد الاصدار الاخير من

برنامج الملحوظات الزكي

Power Notes 3.48


برنامج الملحوظات الذكى يقوم بوضع ملحوظاتك التى تكتبها على سطح المكتب بطريقة ذكية و سريعه

Power Notes is a software that allows you to create desktop stickers. Power Notes is a multi-featured scheduler, reminder, and organizer for Windows allowing you to create electronic stickers and display them when the time is due. The program is very easy to use and has low system requirements. The scheduler stays in the tray and does not interfere with your activities. If necessary, it can be displayed as a small toolbar on the desktop.

All the parameters you may need to change are customizable: a sticker can be of any size, it can have any color scheme (which can be useful, for example, to tell between stickers on different topics) and you can use various skins for stickers. We also implemented sound schemes to accompany the display of stickers. Together with the wizard for creating stickers, it is possible to edit them either quickly or in the advanced mode. The program allows you to specify the date any time of a reminder in every detail with the help of "Alarm Wizard" (it is possible to set the start and stop time of displaying, set it at certain time intervals, on certain dates, etc.). Along with actually displaying stickers, the scheduler can launch programs and files, open pages in your web browser. The program also supports a multilingual interface.

Key features:-
· Create electronic desktop notes (stickers)
· Edit sticky notes in the quick and advanced modes
· Specify the date and time of reminder
· Customize the default parameters of notes (their size, text, background and Title color, position on the desktop, transparency; shortcuts)
· Specify the date and time of a reminder in every detail with the help of "Alarm Wizard"
· Run programs and opening web pages when the note appears
· Print the text of stickers
· Save the text of a note to a file
· Anniversary and birthday reminder
· Use various skins
· Scheduling turning off the computer

Note: enter any registration data


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