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قديم 14 - 04 - 2010, 02:13
حسون سبعين غير متصل

حسون سبعين is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج لتنظيف الملفات المكررة

Duplicate Files Cleaner v2.2.5.32

برنامج لتنظيف الملفات المكررة

Portable Duplicate Files Cleaner v2.2.5.32 | <1MB

Duplicate Files Cleaner is a powerful and professional tool that helps people to scan and clean a large amount of
duplicate Photos, Music, Videos and Outlook Emails. Mainly, duplicate files cause the waste of disk space. They
cover up hard disks, slow down speed. Find and clean unwanted duplicate files, instantly free-up hard disk space!
Find and clean unwanted duplicate files, instantly free-up hard disk space!
Why choose Duplicate Files Cleaner ?
Mainly, duplicate files cause the waste of disk space. They cover up hard disks, slow down speed, and cost you
more on backup. Your hard drive may be full of extra copies of ************************s, photos, MP3 files and videos waiting to
be deleted. Duplicate Files Cleaner can find out and delete duplicate files in your computer very effectively, in
order to release your disk space and increase your computer speed!
Duplicate Files Cleaner scans the computer and lists duplicate files based on Bit for Bit comparison, which gives
you 100% accuracy. It can find duplicates of any files: text, music, video or image multimedia, any binary file,
PLease Say Thanx Blackcd.net. because we care for your feeds ..

-Fast Scan & Clean duplicate Songs, Photos, Outlook Emails
-Free-up and organize your favour collection
-Make duplicate file management easier
-Reduce your backup cost
-Save your time and improve your work efficiency
Though Duplicate Files Cleaner is powerful to find out and clean most of duplicate files, it is not the ultimate
tool to do everything you need. When you need to do more with Duplicate Files Cleaner, just submit your requests
to us. Duplicate Files Cleaner will be the better solution for duplicate file searching and cleaning by providing
both the powerful toolkits and on-demand services. That is to say, when you are using Duplicate Files Cleaner,
you are not only having the handy toolkits but also the great services from our professionals.

حمل من هنـــــا
مع تحيات حسون

fvkhl[ gjk/dt hglgthj hgl;vvm


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جميع برامج نوكيا {أكثر من 150 برنامج} نوكيا برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 208 31 - 01 - 2011 12:38
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الساعة الآن 19:42.

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