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قديم 14 - 03 - 2010, 21:31
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج تحرير الصور و وضع المؤثرات عليها PanoramaStudio Pro v2.0.9

برنامج تحرير الصور وضع المؤثرات عليها PanoramaStudio Pro

برنامج تحرير الصور و وضع المؤثرات عليها

PanoramaStudio Pro v2.0.9


يقوم بتحرير الصور ووضع المؤثرات عليها وتوجد به العديد من الفلاتر لوضعها على الصور وعمل الخدع السنمائية والصور البانورامية ويقوم البرنامج باستعراض الصور بجهازك

PanoramaStudio 2 -

Creation of seamless 360 degree and wide angle panoramic images.
This program combines simple creation of perfect panoramic images within a few steps with ambitious postprocessing features for advanced users. Stitches your photos to huge panoramic images within minutes.


- Clear and easy user interface, large work space
- Automatic alignment of the images
- Seamless blending into a panoramic image
- Manual postprocessing of all steps possible
- Automatic focal length detection, automatic correction of lens distortions
- Automatic exposure correction
- Panoramas can be connected to virtual tours in Java and Flash using hotspots
- Filters for additional image editing


- Export your panoramas in various image formats, as screensavers and as interactive Java or Flash panoramas for websites
- Print panoramas in poster size on multiple pages
- Save panoramas as multi-layered image for professional post-processing

New in version 2.0:

- A new render engine achieves an even higher quality for the panoramas
- An adaptive blending method
- A new exposure correction
- The camera database was again extended by another 200 new cameras and detects now automatically already about 1200 digital compact and SLR cameras
- Enhanced RAW import
- Many details improved...

OS: Windows 2003, Vista,Server 2008, 2000, XP, Windows 7


>> من هنا <<


fvkhl[ jpvdv hgw,v , ,qu hglcevhj ugdih PanoramaStudio Pro v2>0>9


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قديم 15 - 03 - 2010, 23:04   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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الساعة الآن 18:44.

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