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قديم 26 - 02 - 2010, 03:17
حسون سبعين غير متصل

حسون سبعين is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج هام Magic Enhancer Pro v1.1 PS Plug-in

Image Skill Magic Enhancer Pro v1.1

برنامج هام Magic Enhancer Pro v1.1 Plug-in


Magic Enhancer is one more Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows designed by ImageSkill to help you make your photos better.

It can work both with commercial software like Adobe Photoshop, AdobePhotoshop Elements, Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft DigitalImage Suite and free like software IrfanView, XnView.
Using Magic Enhancer you can essentially improve your photos adjusting its lightness, contrast and color balance.
Magic Enhancer is perfect for enhancement image and photo with lack oflightness or uneven illumination, silhouetted images on dark background.
Convenient color temperature control allows fixing color balancedefects easily. Plug-in has attractive and user-friendly interface,when in use you can keep an eye result histogram.
Magic Enhancer has 2 versions - free Magic Enhancer Lite and sharewareMagic Enhancer Pro. Using the latter you can make your photos moreexpressive by means of additional features:

* Adjusting local contrast of your photos and emphasizing fine details
* Removing noise
* 16-bit image mode support
* Script (action) feature
* Preset feature

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