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قديم 23 - 02 - 2010, 23:12
الصورة الرمزية Gamer man
Gamer man غير متصل

Gamer man is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Windows XP Alternative version 10.2.1 (February 2010), لينكات مباشرة على أكتر من سيرفر ..


Windows XP Alternative version 10.2.1

(February 2010)



Modified build corporate licensed versions Windows XP Professional SP3.

Integrated with all available updates,

the interface is changed,

automatic installation after selecting the section accelerated the total work system may update from Microsoft.

Also critical system, also added the following updates and additions

- Microsoft Calculator Plus;

- Windows Update Agent 7.4.7600.226;

- Microsoft Update 7.4.7600.226;

- Auto Update Client;

- Windows Genuine Advantage Validation 1.9.0040.0 (KB892130);

- Tweek registry instead of MRT (KB890830);

- ICCD Smart Card Driver in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0 (KB952013) -

adds Windows XP support ICCD smart cards;

- KB955704 - adds support for Windows XP file system exFat;

- KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client;

- KB971513 - Windows Automation API;

- KB943729 - Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions;

- MSXML 4.0 SP3 to update KB973685;

- KB922120 - Respondent Topology Discovery level communication;

- KB943729 - client-side extensions for Group Policy preferences OS Windows XP;

- KB909520 - a package of basic cryptographic service provider for smart cards;

- KB931125 - Update Root Certificates;

- Updates to Internet Explorer 6;

- Windows Media Player 11 with updates.

Installed programs and utilities

- Adobe ® Flash ® Player ActiveX and Plugin v10.0.42.34

(for viewing Flash animations in Internet Explorer and other programs,

including all the popular browsers - Opera, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Chrome, Safari, etc.);

- DirectX for August;

- Microsoft. NET ***************work 1.1 SP1, Microsoft. NET ***************work 3.5 SP1 with all updates;

- A set of libraries on almost all occasions;

- Microsoft Visual C 2005 SP1, Microsoft Visual C 2008 with all updates;

- Defragmenter System File "(SysInternals Page Defrag);

- Utility (system service) UPHClean, which provides the correct unloading of user profile

Integrated drayverpak MassStorage, to ensure the installation of assembly of laptops and not only.

Differences between this release of 10.2.1

- Update KB972270

(supersedes KB961371-v2);

- Update KB978207 for IE;

- Updated driver Mass Storage;

- Updated libraries OpenSSL

(consisting Required Dll's);

- Minor tweaks and improvements in design.

















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Windows XP Alternative version 10>2>1 (February 2010)< gdk;hj lfhavm ugn H;jv lk sdvtv >>


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قديم 01 - 06 - 2010, 19:01   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

nohila is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: Windows XP Alternative version 10.2.1 (February 2010), لينكات مباشرة على أكتر من سيرفر ..

thank you for your effort

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