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قديم 17 - 01 - 2010, 13:30
alsaaamy غير متصل
..:: بحر العطاء ::..

alsaaamy is on a distinguished road
افتراضي حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية من الرسائل الالكترونية المزعجة

MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail
للحماية من الرسائل الالكترونية المزعجة
نسخة كاملــة

حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية الرسائل

MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail
معلومات عن البرنامج
مع هذا البرنامج يمكنك التخلص من رسائل البريد المزعجة
ومنع وصولها إلى الايميل
ايضا يمكنك منع رسائل الاشخاص الذين لاترغب بمراسلتهم ويتميز بقدرته على التخلص من عدد كبير من الفيروسات والملفات الضارة التي تأتي مرفقة مع الايميل
MailWasher® Pro is the ultimate innovation in anti-spam software. Stop spam and unwanted email with MailWasher Pro. It's easy to use and very effective. Over 5 million downloads! Delete spam, viruses and other unwanted emails right at the server. Apart from being the most effective software to fight spam, you'll find that MailWasher® is probably the easiest anti-spam software to use. MailWasher® Pro is an effective email management tool to get rid of spam and unwanted email. Easy to use and very effective, MailWasher® Pro allows you to preview and delete your unwanted email from an unlimited number of accounts in one simple step, before it reaches your inbox. Whether you have a POP3 account, MSN and Hotmail, IMAP or AOL; whether you are a home user or small business, MailWasher® Pro is right for you.
* Stop spam, viruses and phishing emails so they never get to your inbox.
* View email on the server before it gets to your computer. Never lose an important email!
* Save time by only getting the mail you want.
* Dynamic antispam filter updates so you always have the latest spam fighting technology.


- Delete unwanted e-mails before you download the whole message. You’ll be able to see who the email is from, the subject, and the attachment. This will enable you to decide if you want to delete the email or keep it. A great way to stop viruses or large attachments.
- FirstAlert!™ Join the community of FirstAlert!™ subscribers reporting spam messages and watch as even more spam disappears from not only your inbox, but the inboxes of all other FirstAlert! subscribers as well!
- Analyse. MailWasher analyses each email as it arrives and warns you if it is suspected junk mail or a virus by heuristic checking and filtering. The standard status categories are - Normal, Virus, Possibly virus, Possibly spam, Probably spam, Chain letter, Blacklisted, Blacklisted by (ORDB, Spam Cop etc).
- Blacklist. Any e-mails you bounce back get their senders details put on the blacklist for easy removal if they come back. You can even set it to automatically bounce and delete blacklisted e-mails, or whole domains off the server. Plus, MailWasher can use external blacklists such as ORDB and Spam Cop or you can specify your own.
- Friends List. Add your friends email addresses to MailWasher and they will always be recognised. You can even hide your friends from the screen so the spam is easy to recognise.
- Preview. Easily preview the message in your email to see what the sender has to say before downloading it. Just double click on the message.
- Bounce back unwanted e-mails so it looks as if your email address is not valid. This will make the sender think your address is no longer active so your name can be removed from their list. This unique feature is great for privacy and it couldn’t be simpler!
- Filtering. Effective filtering to automatically spot spam, plus it uses a customisable list of blacklisted e-mail senders and/or regular expressions to filter out potential spammer addresses and messages.
- Email overlay. New messages will come in and will reside in the screen until processed. Fast download of message headers, we have clocked speeds of 25 email message headers per second.
- Simplicity. No flashy gimmicks, so easy to use that you won’t feel like you have to learn a whole new program. In fact it has the familiar look and feel of Outlook Express. It's as easy as 1,2,3. Just check mail, mark for deletion/learning, then process mail.
- Other features: Check mail at different intervals. Don’t check mail at certain times. Play a sound when an email arrives, or be notified visually. Email log. Comprehensive help ************************ation on this site.

حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية الرسائل

معلومـــات عن الضغط وسيرفرات الرفع

عدد ملفات البرنامج : ملف واحد فقط
حجم الملف المرفوع : 10.0ميقـا بايت
نوع الملفـات المرفوعة : وينرار ( مضغوطة ببرنامج وينرار )
كلمة سر فك الضغط : www.dreamscity.net
عدد السيرفرات التي تم رفع الملفات عليها : 5 سيرفرات

للتحميل اختر سيرفر واحد فقط

حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية الرسائل
حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية الرسائل
حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية الرسائل

ولا تنسى

كلمة سر فك الضغط

pwvdh fvkhl[ MailWashe Pro v6>5 Retail ggplhdm lk hgvshzg hghg;jv,kdm hgl.u[m


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17 - 01 - 2010, 13:50   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: مراقب سابق ::..
الصورة الرمزية ابن اليمن

ابن اليمن is on a distinguished road
إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل MSN إلى ابن اليمن إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل Yahoo إلى ابن اليمن

الف شكر سامي مجهود جبار يعطيك العافيه تقبل مروري وباقات ورودي

ابن اليمن غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11 - 04 - 2010, 23:22   رقم المشاركة : [3]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

ايهاب محمد على is on a distinguished road


ايهاب محمد على غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15 - 05 - 2010, 01:45   رقم المشاركة : [4]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

khaledmega is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: حصريا برنامج MailWashe Pro v6.5 Retail للحماية من الرسائل الالكترونية المزعجة

الف الف شكر

khaledmega غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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