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قديم 14 - 09 - 2009, 19:06
tarektop غير متصل

tarektop is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج التعامل مع الكاميرات الرقمية Phase One Capture One PRO v4.8.3.31298.31236

برنامج التعامل مع الكاميرات الرقمية Phase One Capture One PRO v4.8.3.31298.31236


Capture One PRO is RAW workflow software designed for the professional photographer.
Capture One allows you to load in RAW files from the most commonly used DSLR cameras or shoot tethered to the computer. The intuitive Capture One RAW workflow guides you through image capture, editing and enhancement in a few simple steps and converts your RAW files into TIFF-RGB, TIFF-CMYK or JPEG images on-the-fly. Capture One is renowned for producing exceptional image quality with fine details, accurate colors and virtually no noise. This is also why Capture One is used and recommended by professional photographers around the world. It is a great privilege for Phase One to be able to work closely with professional photographers in order to further develop the Capture One processing core and workflow tools for mutual benefit.

Highlighted new features
This new release of Capture One comes in three versions: 4.8.1, 4.8.1 PRO and 4.8.1 DB.
Capture One 4.8.1 is a free service release to existing Capture One 4.x owners. Capture One 4.8.1 PRO/DB is a major upgrade to the respective versions Capture One 3.x. Existing customers with Capture One 3.x PRO/DB can upgrade to Capture One 4.8.1 PRO/DB respectively at no extra cost.

Some of the highlighted new features in Capture One 4.8.1 PRO/DB are:

- Tethered shooting: Speed up your workflow by connecting a Phase One digital back or supported Canon DSLRs to a computer and capture images directly into the computer.

- Lens tools: Enhance lens performance by using the new tools to minimize distortion,
sharpness falloff and light falloff. Make creative effects with new vigneting tools.

- Color Editor: An intuitive toolset for selectively customizing image colors to perfection and consistent reproduction.

- Skin Tone: Set and reproduce skin tones shot under a variety of light conditions without using a gray card.

- Styles: Explore and create unique looks with the Styles feature and reproduce them consistently with ease.

- Sessions: Streamline your photographic jobs using Sessions to organize all your captures, selects, processed images and more in one place.

- Customizable tools: Setup up Capture One to your work preference and situation at any given time. Create custom tool tabs with your own toolsets, work with multi monitor set up and undock tools to have them readily available in your image where you want them.

RAW file support
Capture One 4.8.1 DB supports RAW files from the following digital backs/cameras:
Phase One: P 65+ (preliminary), P 45+, P 30+, P 25+, P 21+, P 20+, P 45, P 30,
P 25, P 21, P 20, H 25, H 20, H 10, H 101, H 5, LightPhase
Additionally Capture One 4.5.1 / 4.5.1 PRO supports RAW files from the following digital
backs/cameras: Canon: 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark III, 1D Mark II N, 1Ds Mark II, 1D Mark II, 1Ds, 1D, 5D, 5D Mark II (preliminary), 50D (preliminary), 40D, 30D, 20D, 10D, 450D/Rebel XSi, 400D/Rebel XTi, 350D/Rebel XT, 300D/Rebel, 1000D, D60, D30, Pro 1, G9, G6, G5, G3, G2
Epson: R-D1s, R-D1
Fuji: S5 Pro, S3 Pro, S2 Pro
Konica Minolta: Alpha 5 D / Maxxum 5 D / Dynax 5 D, Alpha 7 D /
Maxxum 7 D / Dynax 7 D, A1, A2
Leica: M8, D-LUX 4, Digilux 3, Digital Module R for R8 and R9 cameras
Mamiya: ZD, ZD Back
Nikon: D3, D2Xs, D2X, D2Hs, D2H, D1X, D1H, D700, D300, D200, D100, D90, D80, D70s, D70,
D60, D50, D40X, D40
Olympus: E-3, E-520, E-510, E-420, E-410, E-500, E-1, E-10, E-20, E-330, E-300, E-400, C-7070, C-8080
Pentax: K20D, K10D, K200D, K110D, K100D Super, K100D, *istDL2, *istDL, *istD, *istDS2, *istDS (Only PEF files supported)
Sony: DSLR-A900, DSLR-A700, DSLR-A350, DSLR-A300, DSLR-A200, DSLR-A100, DSC-R1
Adobe: DNG (raw DNG support only). The DNG support is not optimized for specific cameras.
Tethered camera support
Capture One 4.5.1 PRO/DB has tethered support for the following digital backs/cameras:
Phase One: P 65+ (preliminary), P 45+, P 30+, P 21+, P 25+, P 20+
P 45, P 30, P 25, P 21, P 20, H 25, H 20, H 101, H 10, H 5, LightPhase
Additionally Capture One 4.8.1 PRO has tethered support for the following digital backs/cameras: Canon: 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark III, 1D Mark II N, 1Ds Mark II, 1D Mark II, 1Ds, 1D, 5D, 40D, 30D, 20D, 450D/Rebel XSi, 400D/Rebel XTi, 350D/Rebel XT, 300D/Rebel, 1000D

برنامج التعامل الكاميرات الرقمية Phase One Capture One

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PaSS : KnowN@FoRuMRiP

برنامج التعامل الكاميرات الرقمية Phase One Capture One

برنامج التعامل الكاميرات الرقمية Phase One Capture One

fvkhl[ hgjuhlg lu hg;hldvhj hgvrldm Phase One Capture PRO v4>8>3>31298>31236


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قديم 27 - 09 - 2009, 18:35   رقم المشاركة : [2]

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