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قديم 07 - 09 - 2009, 06:05
tarektop غير متصل

tarektop is on a distinguished road
افتراضي اقوى برنامج لتكبير صورك بدون فقد اى كولتى

اقوى برنامج لتكبير صورك بدون فقد اى كولتى

Enlarge Photos without Losing Quality!

اقوى برنامج لتكبير صورك بدون فقد كولتى

SizeFixer enlarges digital images and delivers stunning results. A World First for the application of Super-Resolution Technology in a commercial product. Intuitive easy to use interface with multi-level sharpening tools to keep your images sharp.

* SizeFixer XL can enlarge digital photos up to any size without loss of sharpness.
* SizeFixer SLR can enlarge digital images up to 68MPixel, ***************alent to about A1 at 300 DPI (23"x33" approx)
* Absolutely no compromise image interpolation.
* Cropping made easy.
* Stand-alone program.
* 8-bit and 16-bit photos.
* RGB, JPEG and TIFF photos.
* Available for Windows & Mac

The SizeFixer control panel has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use. It enables you to select and work with an image, crop a portion of the image if required and then to specify the required output size. SizeFixer includes a number of tools to enhance your image as it is enlarged:

* Super Resolution - our patented technology that uses the EXIF data attached to your photographs
* USM + - an improved version of USM which can be used to add sharpness
* Edges - a special enhancement tool to preserve edge contrast


FixerBundle allows you to buy our four top selling plug-ins in one and includes our brand leader FocusFixer, the invaluable NoiseFixer and ShadowFixer and TrueBlur. Having tried just one of the FixerLabs plug-ins we know that you will be rushing to try and buy the rest and so we wanted to make that as simple and as good value for money as possible for you - the value is fantastic and you save over 50% against the individual plug-in price.

اقوى برنامج لتكبير صورك بدون فقد كولتى

أتمنى اشوف ردودكم الجميلة والمشجعة

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اقوى برنامج لتكبير صورك بدون فقد كولتى

hr,n fvkhl[ gj;fdv w,v; f],k tr] hn ;,gjn


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26 - 09 - 2009, 21:07   رقم المشاركة : [2]

سلفانا62 is on a distinguished road

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