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قديم 16 - 06 - 2009, 15:51
shady02 غير متصل

shady02 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج لتغيير خصاص بدء التشغيل Magic Menu v1.05

Magic Menu v1.05 EN Translated by Shashank1976

برنامج لتغيير خصاص بدء التشغيل Magic Menu v1.05

برنامج يتيح لك تغيير خصائص بدء التشغيل كالصوت وشاشة الاقلاع وغيرها (البرنامج مطروح للتجربة ويرجى كتابة التجارب على من يملك جوال

The purpose of this software is to let everyone XX cell phone to the freedom of your mobile phone DIY highlights your personality,
your cell phone, you control the most important characteristics is that the freedom to change your startup items, that is to say, for example, you want to change the boot sound, then you go online or to download MP3 files and have their own, you can not put Carry mobile phone or any directory named arbitrary for you to remember, you start to find as long as you open the magic of this store MP3 files, selection, indicating success, and good on the completion of the modification, and simple.And other additional features are a key to complete.
Latest 1.05.2
1. The amendment to 1.03 in the N95 screen problems (thanks to the Friends of SHIWEI19820219 machine feedback)
2. The amendment to restore the loss of default that may arise after the boot sound problem
3. An increase of functional models for the support of FP2
4. Increased compression Yun Cun
5. Increase the shutdown screen editing
6. To increase the software directly to open RP
To amend the list of interface software interface for the installation and Notes
1. Handset need XX
2. Installed python platform and plug-ins
3.N82 N95 users the first time using this software, please be sure to initialize the software, please do not initialize FP2


>>> من هنا <<<

fvkhl[ gjyddv owhw f]x hgjaydg Magic Menu v1>05


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