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قديم 31 - 12 - 2011, 02:20
الصورة الرمزية Gamer man
Gamer man غير متصل

Gamer man is on a distinguished road
Wink تحميل لعبة Metal Slug 2 PSP

تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP


تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP

تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP

تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP

تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP

تحميل لعبة Metal Slug PSP


حجم اللعبة : 37 MB
الصغة : ISO
اللغة : English

MARCO and TARMA return to the battlefront on NEOGEO Station, this time accompanied by two new recruits FIO GERMI and ERI KASAMOTO, in order to thwart the new coup attempt by General Morden, infamous leader of the Rebel Army and main antagonist of of the "METAL SLUG" series. Fight alone or with a buddy, on foot or aboard a tank, and deliver the prisoners for freedom in this masterpiece of run-and-gun action shooting from SNK!

Also, enjoy the many features unique to NEOGEO Station! Play 2P co-op for action-packed gameplay with another player via Ad Hoc mode, save and replay your gameplay any time with the "REPLAY MODE", or listen to the in-game music (BGM) in "SOUND PLAYER" mode!




jpldg gufm Metal Slug 2 PSP


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الساعة الآن 10:56.

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