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قديم 29 - 12 - 2011, 23:20
الصورة الرمزية قاهر الاعداء
قاهر الاعداء غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

قاهر الاعداء is on a distinguished road
Wink merry christmas 2012

merry christmas 2012

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merry christmas 2012

merry christmas 2012 messages

Christmas gift suggestions
To your enemy, forgiveness
To an opponent, tolerance
To a friend, your heart
To a customer, service
To all, charity
To every child, a good example
To yourself, respect
Have an ideal Christmas
an occasion that is celebrated
as a reflection of your values
desires, affections, traditions
May the joy and peace of Christmas
be with you all through the Year
Wishing you a season of blessings
from heaven above
Happy Christmas
May the good times and treasures of the present
become the golden memories of tomorrow
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness
May your world be filled with warmth
and good chear this Holy season
and throughout the year
Wish your christmas be
filled with peace and love
Merry X-mas
I am dreaming of white Christmas
with every christmas card i write
May your days be merry and bright
and May all your christmases be white
Happy Christmas
Joy resounds in the hearts of those
who believe in the miracle of Christmas
Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love
of the season! Season’s Greetings
From Home to home
and heart to heart
from one place to another
The warmth and joy of Christmas
brings us closer to each other
A silent night
a star above
a blessed gift of hope
and love
A blessed Christmas to you
May this Christmas be so special
that you never ever feel lonely again
and be surrounded by loved ones throughout
Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day
From Home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other
Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart
Bless us Lord, this Christmas
with quietness of mind
Teach us to be patient and always to be kind
Faith makes all things possible,Hope makes all things work,Love makes all things beautiful,May you have all the three for this Christmas
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful
Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill
But let it whistle as it will
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still

merry christmas 2012 merry christmas


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sms merry christmas 2012 - sms new year 2012 - sms merry christmas & happy new year 2012 قاهر الاعداء مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 0 29 - 12 - 2011 23:06
Happy new year 2012 Messages SMS - Happy Merry Christmas 2012 SMS Messages قاهر الاعداء مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 0 29 - 12 - 2011 22:55
مسجات العام الجديد 2012 – msm christmas 2012 قاهر الاعداء مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 0 29 - 12 - 2011 22:50
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