Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 Build 85
نبذة عن البرنامج:
* يعتبر هذا البرنامج من أقوى البرامج الموجودة حالياً على الساحة للمونتاج و التعديل الصوتى على كافة الملفات الصوتية بإختلاف امتدادها ..فيمكنك من خلاله قص
و نسخ و دمج وحذف و إضافة التأثيرات على الملفات الصوتية و حفظها على هيئة MP3 او Wav بالجودة التى تناسبك حسب إحتياجك ...
* يدعم البرنامج كافة الامتدادات الصوتية بكافة درجات وضوحها مع دعم البرنامج بخاصية Audio Restoration Tools والتى تقوم بعمل بحث عن المقاطع
التى من الممكن إصلاحها للوصول بالملف الصوتى لأعلى درجة وضوح ..
* تسطيع تطبيق أكثر من 40 تأثير منها Volume, EQ, Delay, Chorus, Dynamics, Noise Gate, Pitch Shift, Flange, Vibrato على الملف الصوتى حسب رغبتك ..
* يدعم البرنامج أيضاً العديد من الملفات المرئية مثل AVI, WMV, and MPEG لتنسيق الصوت مع الصورة فى هذه الملفات و كذلك يدعم البرنامج إمتداد SWF حيث تستطيع ان تقوم بالتعديل على الصوت داخل هذه الملفات بما يناسب مشروعك ...
واجهه البرنامج
بعض الصور من البرنامج
متطلبات التشغيل
System Requirements
* Microsoft® Windows® 2000 SP4, XP, or Windows Vista™
* 900 MHz processor
* 150 MB hard-disk space for program installation
* 256 MB RAM
* Windows-compatible sound card
* DVD-ROM drive (for installation)
* Supported CD-Recordable drive (for CD burning)
* Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c or later (included on DVD-ROM)
* Microsoft .NET ***************work 2.0 (included on DVD-ROM)
* Internet Explorer 5.1 or later (included on DVD-ROM)
مزايا البرنامج
Sound Forge Audio Studio 9 Features:
General Features:
* new! 24-bit/96kHz audio support
* New! Microsoft® Windows Vista™ support
* New! UI customization
* Show Me How interactive tutorials
* Simple editing and navigation
* Easy drag-and-drop functionality
* Real-time nondestructive editing
* Multitask background rendering
* Media Explorer with automatic file previewing
* Automatic left and right mono to stereo merge
* Fully customizable toolbars
* Mix, paste, and crossfade
* Automatic file mixing and conversion
* Unlimited Undo/Redo
* Over 30 built-in effects & processes
* System and user-defined function presets
* Enhanced Preset Manager
* Crash recovery
* Mark-in, mark-out, drop markers in real time
* Embed URL flips within audio and video stream
* Mono and stereo sound files
* Real-time play and record meters
* Full support for 4 GB and larger files
* Standard keyboard commands, mouse shortcuts, and toolbars
* Compress sound files for 8-bit distribution
* Bit Depth Converter (to 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit)
* DC Offset
* 10-band EQ
* Fade In/Out
* Graphic Fade
* Multiple fade curve types
* Insert Silence
* Invert/Flip
* Mute
* Normalize
* Pan
* Resample
* Reverse
* Smooth/Enhance
* Swap channels
* Time Compress
* Volume
* New! Vocal Eraser plug-in
* DirectX audio plug-in support
* VST audio effect support
* ASIO driver support
* Amplitude Modulation
* Chorus
* Delay
* Distortion
* Dynamics
* Envelopes
* Flange/Wah-Wah
* Noise Gate
* Pitch Bend
* Reverb
* Stutter
* New! Disc-at-once (DAO) CD burning
* New! Vinyl Recording and Restoration Tool
* New! JKL scrubbing
* New! Gracenote® MusicID™ CD album identification
* Track at once CD burning
* Drag-and-drop CD extraction
* Express FX™ Vinyl Restoration Tool
* Statistics Tool
* Simple Synthesis with sweep
* DTMF/MF Synthesis
Tools for ACID® Software:
* Create loops for use in ACID software
* Loop-editing toolbar
* Assign root notes, number of beats, and tempo
Sample Editing:
* Sustaining Loop, Release Loop Recording
* Real-time record meters
* Remote record function
Regions and Playlists:
* New! Updated marker and region ruler with selection snapping
* Regions List
* Name markers, loops, and regions
Timing Basis:
* Absolute ***************s
* Measures and Beats
* Samples, Time, Seconds
* SMPTE Drop/Non-Drop
* SMPTE EBU/Film Sync
* Time and ***************s
Audio and Video Support and Encoding:
* New! ATRAC™ .aa3 Format Support
* Flash (.swf) format import
* Save files to popular multimedia and Internet file formats
* Windows Media® 9 import and export, RealMedia® 9 export
* QuickTime® 6 import and export MPEG-1&2 import*
* Export to Sony NetMD™ players
* Adjustable video *************** rate and *************** size
* Video *************** display above waveform
* Edit AVI files with multiple audio streams
* Maintain perfect sync while working with full NTSC and PAL video
* Audio and video synchronization with sub-*************** accuracy
* Various video and audio compression options
* Support for 24fps native DV video files
* Video preview window
Supported Formats:
- Opens: AA3, AIFF, AU, AVI, SND, DIG, SD, IVC, MP3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2*, OGG, OMA, PCA, QuickTime®, RAW, SFA, VOX, W64, WAV, WMA, WMV
- Saves: AA3, AIFF, AU, AVI, DIG, IVC, MP3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2*, OGG, RealAudio®, PCA, RAW, RealVideo®, QuickTime, VOX, W64, WAV, WMA, WMV
What's new in version 9.0:
* 24-bit, 96 kHz support.
* Vinyl Recording and Restoration Tool for recording audio from vinyl records.
* Disc-at-once CD burning.
* JKL scrubbing in data windows.
* You can now update the cursor position and selection by double-clicking and editing the selection status boxes in data windows.
* Drag-and-drop mixing and pasting between channels.
* Enhanced snapping.
* Enhanced color customization via Display Preferences.
* Updated marker and region ruler with selection snapping.
* Gracenote® MusicID™ technology for extracted audio from CDs.
* Support for opening and rendering ATRAC3™, ATRAC3plus™, and ATRAC Advanced Lossless™ files.
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