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قديم 20 - 03 - 2011, 02:12
mno_shosha غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي مجموعة برامج لكل انواع التليفونات المحموله Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phon

Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4

مجموعة برامج لكل انواع التليفونات المحموله Best Programs
مجموعة برامج لكل انواع التليفونات المحموله Best Programs
Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) | 418 MB
Collection of the best programs and HD games for mobile phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) S60v5
Purpose: The graphics, music, games, Internet, local and peer network, webcam
System requirements:
for the full application need a phone with support for Symbian 9.4:
The list includes the following models:

* Nokia 5228
* Nokia 5230
* Nokia 5233
* Nokia 5235
* Nokia 5250
* Nokia 5530 XpressMusic
* Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
* Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition
* Nokia C5-03
* Nokia C6-00
* Nokia N97
* Nokia N97 mini
* Nokia X6
* Samsung i8910 Omnia HD [8]
* Sony Ericsson Satio
* Sony Ericsson Vivaz
* Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

All applications should be signed personal certificate. If you do not know how to sign the certificate and ask yourself the following questions: What is it? Where to take? As you sign? Hence instruktsiya.txt file in this torrent hand, just for you and there you will find all the answers.

A list and description of programs:

* Alternative Djvu reader + PDF reader .. / reader el.knig / ..
* BambuserTV .. / video streaming online in the Internet / ..
* BlinkedTV .. / delivery of streaming video and audio in the Internet / ..
* Fring .. / SIP phone / ..
* HD Movie Editor .. / video editor / ..
* ICQ Lite .. / official client ICQ / ..
* IM + .. / client ICQ, Jabber, MSN, AOL, Myspace, Google Talk / ..
* July Player .. / video player with support. Avi / ..
* Mail Agent .. / Mail Agent-enabled Vkontakte / ..
* Mobiscope .. / watching IP video cameras / ..
* NRJ Radio .. / Austrian radio NRJ / ..
* Opera .. / Opera - the latest version / ..
* Putty .. / SSH client protocol / ..
* QIP .. / Qip for touchscreen phones / ..
* Qiwi .. / Qiwi purse / ..
* SIC! FTP Client .. / ftp client / ..
* Skype .. / Skype / ..
* SpbTV .. / Online TV more than 200 channels / ..
* SymNAS .. / access to files from your computer phone / ..
* SymPlayer .. / player with support for LAN / ..
* SymRDP .. / connect to the Remote Desktop Windows, MacOs / ..
* SymSMB .. / folders or smart phone, get access to a computer. / ..
* SymSync .. / sync your phone with the folder of your computer / ..
* SymTorrent .. / torrent client / ..
* SymVPN .. / VPN on your mobile phone / ..
* TuneWiki .. / set radio, lyrics, videos / ..
* X-Plore .. / file manager / ..
* Yandex Fotos .. / Yandex Photos / ..
* Yandex Mail .. / Yandex Mail / ..
* Yandex Maps .. / Yandex Maps / ..
* Yandex Metro .. / Yandex map underground / ..

A list and description of the HD games:

* Just you wait .. / yaytselov in the chicken coop / ..
* BBD2 .. / breakout / ..
* Chess Classics .. / Chess / ..
* Need for Speed (Shift) .. / race / ..
* Ferrari GT .. / race / ..
* Lets Golf .. / golf / ..
* Rally Master Pro .. / race / ..
* SSX3 .. / snowboarding / ..
* The Sims 3 HD .. / emulator Second Life / ..
* UNO .. / card game / ..

مجموعة برامج لكل انواع التليفونات المحموله Best Programs
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***02 - Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) | 418 MB
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***03 - Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) | 418 MB
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***04 - Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) | 418 MB
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***05 - Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phones Nokia, SE, Samsung in Symbian 9.4 (2010) | 418 MB

l[l,um fvhl[ g;g hk,hu hgjgdt,khj hglpl,gi Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phon g;l best games mobile phon programs


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 20 - 03 - 2011, 11:31   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: مشرف قسم الجوال ::..
الصورة الرمزية أبوالطيب

أبوالطيب is on a distinguished road
إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل MSN إلى أبوالطيب إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل Yahoo إلى أبوالطيب إرسال رسالة عبر Skype إلى أبوالطيب
افتراضي رد: مجموعة برامج لكل انواع التليفونات المحموله Best Programs and HD Games for Mobile Phon

ألف شكر لك ياعزيزي عالبرامج ..

وعلى التوضيح .. لأي الجوالات تشتغل البرامج ..

تحياتي ..


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مجموعة, and, لكم, best, المحموله, التليفونات, انواع, برامج, for, games, mobile, phon, programs

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