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قديم 19 - 03 - 2011, 00:26
mno_shosha غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
Smile البرنامج الاقوى عالميا في مجال صيانة الاجهزة System Mechanic Professional

System Mechanic Professional Final

البرنامج الاقوى عالميا مجال صيانة الاجهزة System Mechanic
البرنامج الاقوى عالميا مجال صيانة الاجهزة System Mechanic
System Mechanic Professional Final

الكل سمع بهذا الاسم انه البرنامج الاقوى عالميا في مجال صيانة الحاسوب وانا اقدم لكم النسخة الاحترافية والتي تجمع في جعبتها اقوى الادوات والتي ستجعل من عالم الحاسوب شيء خيالي

هل تحلم بنظام من دون مشاكل ؟
هل تعاني من ملفات مبعثرة قي كل مكان ؟
هل جهازك لا يحتوي على مكافح فايروسات ؟
وهل تريد استرجاع ملف مهم من ملفاتك وتم حذفه ؟
وهل ايضا تريد ان تمتلك جهاز بعيد عن هجمات المتطفلين ؟

هذا البرنامج سيقوم بتحقيق جميع احلامك وسيجعل من جهازك تحفة لا مثيل لها ..
تم جمع كم هائل من الادوات في هذه النسخة بحيث تحافظ على حاسوبك وترتقي به الى اعلى المستويات فينظف مخلفات الانترنت ويساعدك في ترتيب ملفاتك المبعثرة ويقوم بعمل صيانة كاملة للقرص الصلب ويدير المساحة الخالية من الذاكرة وغير ذلك يقوم بحماية جهازك من الفايروسات والهكر بحيث لا تحاج الى برامج حماية تعتمد عليهم في هذه المهمة ..
من الان وصاعدا لن تعاني ابدا من اي مشكلة في الحاسوب سواء في القرص الصلب او الذاكرة او مهما كان ما تعاني منه فهذا البرنامج سيحافظ على جهازك لاقصى حد ممكن

System Mechanic Professional Final | 69.2 MB
System Mechanic® keeps your PC running faster, cleaner and error-free. Its powerful arsenal of 40+ award-winning precision tools fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. Over 98% of PC problems are caused by clutter and faulty settings that are the result of everyday PC use. System Mechanic automatically repairs errors and fragmentation, cleans out clutter, and tunes up your PC - so that it runs smoothly, reliably, and up to 300% faster!

Don't waste money on expensive "experts" to fix your PC when System Mechanic will repair, tune, and maintain it for you! Enjoy that new PC feeling again. Clear out clutter and errors for improved speed and reliability. Optimize your PC to play the latest high-performance games at maximum speeds. Accelerate download and web surfing speeds up to 300%.

Advanced PC Tune-Up plus:
• Certified virus protection
• Internet intruder defense
• Deleted Data Rescue
• Secure Data Removal

iolo AntiVirus™ provides industry-certified protection from viruses, worms, trojans, and other threats by using an advanced real-time engine that provides continuous maximum protection. It includes fully integrated email scanning, hourly virus definition updates, and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to maintain a permanently virus-free PC.

iolo Personal Firewall™ blocks unwanted communication to and from PCs, keeping private information safe from hackers and identity thieves. Its proprietary IntelliDefense® system eliminates security guesswork by automatically deciding which programs should connect to the internet using a program database of thousands of behavior profiles.

Search and Recover™ rescues accidentally deleted pictures, videos, email messages, documents, spreadsheets, system files, and any other file or folder from hard drives, CD/DVDs, music players, digital cameras, memory cards, and virtually all other portable digital devices.

DriveScrubber® securely erases sensitive data to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands when selling, donating, recycling, or reassigning a computer. DriveScrubber overwrites and removes information permanently, using strict government and military standards to provide protection from even the most sophisticated forensic recovery methods.

New in Version 10

- Program Accelerator™
Over time, the many files that make up a program drift apart and become scattered across the hard drive. The new Program Accelerator realigns these program files, resulting in programs that launch faster and respond more quickly.
- CRUDD Remover™
The new CRUDD Remover detects and displays the redundant programs that can impact PC performance and stability, and then you decide which programs you want to keep or remove.
- Broken Internet connection repair
A new repair feature that fixes damaged or broken Internet connection problems caused by destructive software is now in ActiveCare® and the PC Repair PowerTool™.
- Whole Home™ Licensing
Previously, one System Mechanic license could be installed on up to 3 PCs. Because many people now have more than three computers, System Mechanic is now licensed under the Whole Home™ Licensing program, which allows you to use one System Mechanic license on all of the PCs in your household.

- Tune-up Definitions™
Tune-Up Definitions, the weekly research updates automatically delivered to System Mechanic customers, have significantly expanded and grown from one category to five, capturing even more data about the issues that impact PC performance.
- DriveAccelerator™
The drive defragmentation technology in DriveAccelerator is re-engineered both to incorporate new features in Windows 7 and to work in conjunction with the new Program Accelerator.
- PC TotalCare®
More cleanup, repair, and optimization functions are now in PC TotalCare, the all-in-one PowerTool™ that provides a complete PC tune-up for overall performance improvements.
- PC Accelerator
New detection and optimization functions are added to PC Accelerator, the all-in-one PowerTool™ that speeds up web access, boot times, program functioning, and more.
- PC Repair
New detection and repair functions are added to PC Repair, the all-in-one PowerTool™ that can detect and fix hundreds of critical system problems.
- ActiveCare®
ActiveCare adds more automated tasks, enabling System Mechanic to automatically detect and repair more problems.
- System Guard®
System Guard®, the automatic system defense tool, has undergone several enhancements, including simplified functionality for enabling the feature and full compatibility with 64-bit machines.
- User interface
The System Mechanic interface is redesigned to allow for streamlined access to the program's expanded feature set.

البرنامج الاقوى عالميا مجال صيانة الاجهزة System Mechanic
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***01 -System Mechanic Professional Final
ظ†ظ€ظ€ط§ظٹظ€ظ€ظ„ طھظ€ظ€ط§ظˆط± NileTower***02 -System Mechanic Professional Final

hgfvkhl[ hghr,n uhgldh td l[hg wdhkm hgh[i.m System Mechanic Professional 10>1>2>99 mechanic professional system


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 19 - 03 - 2011, 20:49   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: حُسام المدينة ::..
الصورة الرمزية ســـجـــ الاهـات ـــيـــن

ســـجـــ الاهـات ـــيـــن is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: البرنامج الاقوى عالميا في مجال صيانة الاجهزة System Mechanic Professional

مشكوور اخي
شي جميل قدمت لنا
الله يعطيك العا فيه
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ســـجـــ الاهـات ـــيـــن غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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