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قديم 18 - 02 - 2011, 21:27
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mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي حصريا لعبة الكبار والصغار بأخر اصدارتها Grand Theft Auto IV جي تي ايه

Grand Theft Auto IV DVD

حصريا لعبة الكبار والصغار بأخر اصدارتها Grand Theft
حصريا لعبة الكبار والصغار بأخر اصدارتها Grand Theft
Grand Theft Auto IV DVD
PC | ENG/RUS | Developer: Rockstar North | Publisher: Rockstar Games | 14 GB
Genre: Action (Shooter) / Racing (Cars / Motorcycles) / 3D / 3rd Person

اليوم معانا موضوع شامل عن لعبة جتا فور
وهيا اللعبة الواحيده التي يعشقها كبير وصغير . ولا تعرف سوى المتعه وعدم اليآس من اللعب
1- شرح فكـ الروابط وتسطيب
2- تركيب الباتش والاضافة
3 - تشغيل يد التحكم ودي مفجأه
4 - تشغيل اللعبة بعد تغيير الويندوز ودي مفجأه اخرى
5 - تم تعديل الاماكن المظلمة في اللعبة
6 - تم تعديل السيارات
7 - تم اضافة عربيات اكثرها سرعه 2010
8 - تم اضافة موتسكلات جديده
9 - تم اضافة طائرات جديده
10 - تم تعديل الانيمي
11 - تم تعديل لون البحار والسماء والارض والشكل ككل
12 - تم تسريع اللعبة الى سرعه اعلى . وكأنكـ بتلعب على البلاي ستيشن ثري
14 - الدي في دي (1) بدل من اتنين
نبدء بالفكـ والتسطيب
الصور بميقاس 600\800

In the «Grand Theft Auto IV. The full edition "includes action Grand Theft Auto IV, as well as the addition Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City, consisting of episodes of The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, the story lines that complement each other and reveal completely the opposite faces of the criminal world. In the Russian edition of the game is presented in the original sound system with Russian subtitles.

Game Features
Everything in life! Series has matured considerably. More serious and thorough approach is visible in everything. For example, for that would steal a car, you must first break the glass and crack the door locks, firing even a single police officer can lead to death. Used in the game, new graphics technology provide even greater realism.
Welcome to New York! Liberty City - a replica of the largest U.S. cities. Only some names and places were changed in order to comply with political correctness.
A city without limits. Liberty City is truly enormous. To get from one of its suburbs to the other, need an hour of real time. Players can not only admire the dozens of skyscrapers, but also to go inside many buildings, use public transportation - such freedom of movement in the GTA was not yet!
Plexus fates. Stories Niko Bellic from the original game, as well as Johnny Klebittsa and Luis Lopez, will appear in new episodes, unique and at the same time connected with each other. Just before the end of his way each character, you can get a complete picture of criminal intrigues, enveloped in Liberty City.
Maximum potential. In the «Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition" is a full arsenal of weapons, as well as the entire fleet of the fourth part of the famous series, which includes motorcycles, luxury cars, helicopter gunships and even armored vehicles.
Who is stronger, that's right. The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony is added to the GTA IV new types of multiplayer games.

Minimum System Requirements for GTA IV:

OS: Windows Vista %u2013 SP1 / XP with SP3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
Memory: 1.5GB
Hard Drive Space: 16GB Free
Graphics/Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900

Recommended System Requirements for GTA IV:

OS: Windows Vista %u2013 SP 1 or XP with SP 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
Memory: 2 GB (Windows XP) 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
Hard Drive Space: 18 GB Free
Graphics/Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870

حصريا لعبة الكبار والصغار بأخر اصدارتها Grand Theft
L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***Grand Theft Auto IV DVD
L4me ظ„ظٹظ†ظƒ ظپظˆط± ظ…ظٹ***Grand Theft Auto IV DVDd

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الساعة الآن 21:36.


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