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قديم 12 - 09 - 2010, 08:59
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج ايقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر بشكل اّلي Intelligent Shutdown 2.1.5

السلام عليكم


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برنامج ايقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر بشكل اّلي

Intelligent Shutdown


برنامج ايقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر بشكل اّلي Intelligent Shutdown

برنامج للتحكم بالجهاز وتوتر الكهرباء وإيقاف تشغيله تلقائيا مع الكثير من الميزات التي ستكتشفها فور تحميل وتنصيب البرنامج

Do you want to turn off your computer automatically at a specified time?Do you want the computer to launch your programs at a scheduled time?Do you want to listen the music while you are sleeping and shutdown computer after a while?Do you want the computer to remind you at a specified time?Do you want to lock the computer and display your favorite picture on the screen at a specified time after you leave?
Now you can use Intelligent Shutdown to do all these jobs. Intelligent Shutdown is smart, easy to use application that can automate a variety of tasks at a scheduled time. There is no need now to waste your time waiting for shutdown, restart or many more functions, with this intelligent tool you can almost schedule all your work like turn off, restart, launch a program, play music and shutdown automatically, add reminders or lock your PC and display your favorite picture.
Do not let your computer stay behind, use Intelligent Shutdown to make your computer also an intelligent computer.

Intelligent Shutdown allow you use these schedule types to perform a series of tasks including:
· Shutdown computer
· Restart computer
· Log off
· Stand by
· Lock computer
· Close specified program
· Disconnect Dial-up connection
· Hibernate
· Open specified file(include program)
· Close monitor
· Reminder
· Time synchronization
Intelligent Shutdown has 9 schedule types including:
· Countdown
Countdown form 99hours 59minutes 59seconds
· Idle
Perform tasks when computer idle for a specified time
· Running once
Perform tasks one time in one month
· Multi-running (General)
Perform routine tasks time after time
· Multi-running(advanced)
Perform ruleless tasks time after time
· Monitor memory
Perform tasks when available physical memory more than or less than specified KB for specified time
· Monitor CPU
Perform tasks when CPU Usage more than or less than specified percent for specified time
· Monitor network
· Monitor program
Perform tasks when specified program running or closing for specified time
What's new in Intelligent Shutdown 2.1.5:
· Update: In addition to running processes now running programs can also be selected (08/09/2010)
· Update: Fixed display bug in the process monitoring mode (08/09/2010)
· Fix: Some small bug fixes (09/08/2010)


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fvkhl[ hdrht jaydg hg;lfd,jv fa;g h~gd Intelligent Shutdown 2>1>5


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