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قديم 23 - 04 - 2010, 18:04
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج تحويل الفيديو والافلام CloneDVD Mobile v1.7.0.0

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برنامج تحويل الفيديو والافلام

CloneDVD Mobile



يحول أفلام الـ DVD بسهولة و بسرعة إلى صيغة جهازك النقال (Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision) يمكنك أن تحول الـ DVD أيضا إلى صيغة آخرى مثل DivX ، XviD ، AVI ، MP4 إلخ

CloneDVD Mobile converts your DVD movies quickly and easily into a format that your mobile equipment Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision, etc) can play. You can also convert your DVDs to other file formats, such as DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4, etc. With CloneDVD mobile you can put your favourite movies or TV series on your mobile video equipment and watch them wherever and whenever you want. Let the kids watch their favourite cartoons in the car. Incorporating the user-friendly interface of Elby's CloneDVD and the well-engineered open source project FFmpeg as the conversion engine makes CloneDVD mobile a fast, easy-to-use and quality product that is very reasonably priced. Copying a DVD to your mobile video machine is achieved in a few mouse clicks and without the need to rip it to your hard-disk. Note that copying protected DVDs also requires AnyDVD.

» Convert movie DVDs to play on mobile video equipment like the Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision, etc
» Convert movie DVDs to other file formats like DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4, etc.
» Utilises a high quality picture conversion engine
» Supports multi-angle movie DVDs
» Video Preview shows an overview of all selectable DVD titles
» Target size freely adjustable
» Supports chapter trimming
» Very easy to use: Our unique Filmstrip assistant will guide you step-by-step through all settings - easy for beginners
» Picture snapshots while converting
» Logging window available
» Stable, fast and does not require an ASPI driver
Version 2010.04.22:
- added (installer): version now displayed in the control panel's uninstall section
- fix (installer): Windows 7 should no longer display the "this program may not have installed correctly" prompt
- fix: Improved timestamp generation
- fixed: A/V runaway problem with some telecine processed DVDs
- optimized video/audio synchronization with some protected DVDs (Sony/Fox), related:
- fixed: "Audio difference to Video is too large, trying to compensate" and "Audio did not switch into segment #" errors.
- fix: several "pipe broken" errors
- improved: correcting timestamps on the fly
- fixed some issues with Sony DVDs
- improved handling of AC3 streams
- fixed "SWITCH INTO SEGMENT 2" error
- fixed: aborts due to trash data in ac3 audio
- fixed a compilation issue of ffmpeg
- fixed multipass + subtitle encoding
- improved unicode compatibility of registration process
- fixed MPEG2 pass-through profile: garbled resolutions
- fixed: some pass-through modes allowed for zooming options which is nonsense and could also lead to a crash
- error log display truncated to max. 30 lines
- added new generation of PTS/DTS timestamps
- improved video/audio sync if audio starts more than 15 sec after video
- improved DTS handling
- added matrix, user-data (closed captioning) processing in parser
- fixed some iTunes issues
- fixed a log stall when switching between multiple angle VOBUs in too short a time
- fixed several apple profiles
- fixed "broken pipe" error
- several minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages


من هنا


من هنا


fvkhl[ jp,dg hgtd]d, ,hghtghl CloneDVD Mobile v1>7>0>0


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