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قديم 26 - 03 - 2010, 21:42
azeaze غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

azeaze is on a distinguished road
افتراضي اللعبة الجديدة Dragon Age: Origins Awakening ENG/Repack/2010 بحجم 1.4 جيجا فقط

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يسرني أن أقدم لكم اللعبة الجديدة

Dragon Age: Origins Awakening 2010

بنسخة Repack و بحجم 1.44 جيجا فقط

اللعبة الجديدة Dragon Age: Origins Awakening ENG/Repack/2010 بحجم

Size : 1.4 GB
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: BioWare
Genre: RPG

ملخص اللعبة

Dragon Age: Origins Awakening expansion pack offers a brand new area of the world to explore known as Amaranthine, featuring an epic story that will allow players to unravel the secrets of the darkspawn - and their true motivations!

Players will face a range of horrific and terrifying creatures including an evolved, intelligent breed of darkspawn and other menacing creatures such as the Inferno Golem and Spectral Dragon. Dragon Age: Origins ? Awakening provides exciting new ways for players to customize their heroes and party, including the ability to re-spec their character attributes, allowing even greater customization and replayability. Featuring an increased level cap, new spells, abilities, specializations and items, plus five all-new party members, players can continue their adventures from Dragon Age, or begin with a brand new party.

اللعبة الجديدة Dragon Age: Origins Awakening ENG/Repack/2010 بحجم

Features repaka:

* Installation with accompanying soundtrack of the game
* Save all medium \ high texture
* Installation time 5-10 min
* Cut out all the languages other than English
* Repaka required for installation 512 MB RAM
* Do not cut, \ converted back into a lower bitrate
* Required to install the original Dragon age: origins




ملاحظة: مفهوم Repack

هى لعبة مثل الألعاب ال ISO كاملة و بها كل شىء و يكن يقوم فريق محترف بتقليل جودة الفيدوهات فى اللعبة مثلا او ازالة ملفات لغة او اى شىء موجود فيها لا يحتاجه الشخص الذى سوف يقوم باللعب و يقومون بوضعها فى ملف Iso لتكون جاهزة على التنصيب و لكن حجمها يكون مناسب بمعنى ان اللعبة ال ISO العادية يمكن ان تكون 8 جيجا و تفاجأ بان اللعبة ال Repack حجمها فقط 3 جيجا و هذا ما يسمى بالريباك


hggufm hg[]d]m Dragon Age: Origins Awakening ENGLRepackL2010 fp[l 1>4 [d[h tr'


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الساعة الآن 22:04.


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