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قديم 27 - 09 - 2009, 01:15
نوكيا غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

نوكيا is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta لنسخ أقراص الديفيدى المحمية

برنامج AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta لنسخ أقراص الديفيدى المحمية

برنامج AnyDVD & AnyDVD Beta لنسخ أقراص

برنامج AnyDVD برنامج نسخ سديات DVD المحمية و
التعامل معها , و برنامج AnyDVD HD يجهض أحدث أنظمة
الحماية لتنسيقي Blu-Ray و HD DVD قبل ولادتها متوافق
مع: Windows 95/98/SE/ME, 2000/XP, Server 2003

AnyDVD HD application will come with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full HD-DVD (High Definition DVD) support, including decryption of HD-DVD movie discs.
Allows you to watch movies over a digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display. No need to buy an expensive monitor. Sweet!
Playback your discs on your PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run (titles released by Studio Canal, The Weinstein Company, Kinowelt, Optimum Releasing).
AnyDVD HD is the “must have” utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
Another amazing feature of AnyDVD HD is “magic file replacement”. Remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts. These scripts will “magically” replace the files on the physical disc. You can customize discs as you like without even making a copy to harddisk!
AnyDVD comes with a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.
Here are some key features of “AnyDVD HD”:
· Works automatically in the background
· Removes encryption (CSS) and region code (RPC) from DVDs
· Removes analogue copy protection (Macrovision)
· Removes features such as forced subtitles and warnings
· Decrypts without the need to save the data onto your hard-disk
· Decrypts ‘on the fly’
· Prevents automatic launching of ‘PC-friendly’ software on video DVDs
· Allows adjustment of your monitor ********************* rate for both NTSC and PAL monitors
· Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal
· Allows speed control of your DVD drives
· Compatible with all DVD media
· Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code
· Works with all DVD copying, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software
· Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared over the network and copied with the command prompt or with Windows Explorer, etc.
· Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
· Features AnyCDDA: play, copy and rip protected audio CDs
· Removes encryption (AACS) from HD-DVDs
· watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display.
· playback of discs on the PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run.
· Removes user prohibitions, you can select the language and subtitle track without going through the disc’s menu.
· Removes parental restrictions.
· Allows you to remove or skip Studio Logos and warning messages.
· With “magic file replacement” you can remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts.
· The “must have” utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
· Includes a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

تحميل برنامج AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta

fvkhl[ AnyDVD & HD 6>5>2>7 Beta gkso Hrvhw hg]dtd]n hglpldm


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